- 种子可以为你的队伍提供视野,请好好利用。
- 在你的技能施放之后,再往你的技能路径上播下种子,可以确保你的种子能够百分百变成植物。
- 婕拉是一个出色的伏击手——寻找时机,然后在草丛里布下陷阱,再诱引敌人进来。
- 在使用死亡印记前使用一次【W影奥义!分身】,能够让劫安全地从战斗中逃脱。
- 在你使用终极技能之前,要攒好能量和技能冷却,以最大化【R禁奥义!瞬狱影杀阵】的伤害输出。
- 快速双击【W影奥义!分身】,将会让劫立刻传送到影分身的位置,从而快速逃生。
The 荆棘之兴 影流之主 synergy stats shown here demonstrate the areas of her gameplay that do better (or worse) when paired with 影流之主, compared to her overall stats. Significant differences are areas of focus that highlight how her gameplay changes when paired with this other champion.
Overall, 荆棘之兴 sees a very large drop in her KDA (ratio of kills and assists to deaths) when paired with 影流之主. His KDA worsened from NaN to NaN. This drop shows that 影流之主 helps 荆棘之兴 perform worse in competitive League rounds. Yet, the small difference shows that this performance change is not very impactful.
When 荆棘之兴 tries to synergize with 影流之主, she sees a small increase in her total damage output. This change may indicate that 影流之主 helps provide protection for her to deal more damage or that his support also helps extend the game's duration. Similarly, when 荆棘之兴 is played with 影流之主 on the same team, he usually scores many fewer killing sprees compared to when she plays alone. This is contrasting evidence that she is worse when playing alongside 影流之主.
Additionally, when 荆棘之兴 plays with 影流之主 on the same side, she typically takes a little more damage than when she plays alone. Getting dealt more damage may mean that 影流之主 does a poor job of protecting 荆棘之兴 during teamfights.
There is no one best ally for 荆棘之兴 that will always be her ideal teammate. Yet, overall, 影流之主 is a very typical companion for 荆棘之兴. By locking into the same team as 荆棘之兴, he lowers their win rate by -1.0% to 51.6%. This demonstrates that there is not really a strong bond between 荆棘之兴 and 影流之主 that allows them to perform worse together than alone.
影流之主 has a lower difficulty than 荆棘之兴. That means you don't need to be very careful when enlisting 影流之主 teammates to fight alongside, as they will need a relatively low level of skill to be able to work well with you.
Fighting together, you will likely observe an overall large increase in your team’s ability to deal physical damage. Together, these two can provide a great amount of sustained physical damage.
Although, by bringing 荆棘之兴 and 影流之主 together, you will not be granting your team very much protection for burst damage. Plan to pick other champions on your team that neutralizes this gap in this pairing's potential.
Regardless of your 影流之主 ally's skill level, you need to focus on maximizing your income, staying alive by avoiding foolish fights, and taking down objectives. If you follow these simple suggestions, you will do well, regardless.
If you would like to truly master 荆棘之兴 to pair well with 影流之主 during both the lane and mid / late game phases of League, you should keep reading to pick up additional tricks and insights into this champion pairing. If you mind the build and suggestions displayed here, you will grow your win rate by a lot.
The top items to get in your 荆棘之兴 and 影流之主 synergy build consist of 扎兹沙克的溃口, 影焰, and 兰德里的折磨. When 荆棘之兴 combined at least these three finished items in her build, she performed a lot better when fighting alongside 影流之主 than with most other typical builds. In fact, 荆棘之兴 boasted an average winrate of 51.6% when playing alongside 影流之主 with these items in her kit.
To have the greatest probability of crushing your oponents, you should equip the 奥术彗星, 法力流系带, 超然, 焦灼, 恶意中伤, and 终极猎人 runes from the 巫术 and 主宰 rune sets. Of all the runes that we analyzed for this team composition, this sequence of runes resulted in the best win rate. Notably, these runes provided a 51.6% winrate overall.
By default, tips, statistics, and builds on how to team up 影流之主 with 荆棘之兴 are shown for all ranked divisions combined. If you would like to narrow the stats and builds to a distinct player tier, you should use the selection menu earlier on the page.