- 沃里克的终极技能的施放距离可以从任何移动速度加成中获益,包括友方的增益效果和召唤师技能。
- 跟随你的【W鲜血追猎】的血迹就能找到那些生命值较低的敌方英雄。
- 【Q野兽之口】会跟随敌人。在你按住这个技能键时,即使敌人用了奔跑、突进或传送技能,沃里克也会跟随他们出现在相应位置。
- 希维尔的回旋之刃在到达最远射程后会飞回她手中,因此在扔出后你可以调整位置使它更容易命中敌人。
- 尽量留着法术护盾,来帮你抵挡那些可以限制你的技能,例如:晕眩和束缚。
- 弹射会立刻重置希维尔的普通攻击,所以在进行一次普攻之后立刻激活它,就能最大化伤害输出。
The 祖安怒兽 战争女神 synergy stats shown here demonstrate the areas of his gameplay that do better (or worse) when paired with 战争女神, compared to his overall stats. Significant differences are areas of focus that highlight how his gameplay changes when paired with this other champion.
Overall, 祖安怒兽 sees a very large drop in his KDA (ratio of kills and assists to deaths) when paired with 战争女神. His KDA decreased from NaN to NaN. This drop shows that 战争女神 helps 祖安怒兽 perform not as well in ranked League matches. Yet, the small difference shows that this performance change is not very impactful.
When 祖安怒兽 tries to synergize with 战争女神, he sees a little drop in his total damage dealt. This difference may demonstrate that 战争女神 doesn't help cover for him to deal more damage or that her presence also helps increase the match's duration. Similarly, when 祖安怒兽 is played together with 战争女神 on the same team, he usually scores many fewer killing sprees compared to when he plays alone. This is contrasting evidence that he is worse when playing synergisticly with 战争女神.
Moreover, when 祖安怒兽 plays with 战争女神 on the same team, he on average receives a little less damage than when he plays alone. Taking not as much damage could mean that 战争女神 does a decent job of protecting 祖安怒兽 during team fights.
There is no top companion for 祖安怒兽 that will 100% of the time be his top synergy. Yet, overall, 战争女神 is a below average ally for 祖安怒兽. By being on the same team as 祖安怒兽, she decreases their win rate by -2.8% to 46.5%. This clearly indicates that there is a negative strategic relationship between 祖安怒兽 and 战争女神 that allows them to perform not as well together than alone.
战争女神 has a greater difficulty than 祖安怒兽. That means 祖安怒兽 players need to be cautious when finding 战争女神 allies to play with, as they will need a greater level of skill to play well with you.
Working cooperatively, you should expect to observe an overall large increase in your team’s ability to destroy wih physical damage. Together, these two can tear through the other team with a lot of physcial damage.
Although, by pairing 祖安怒兽 and 战争女神 together, you may not be giving your team a lot of magical damage output. We recommend you have other champions on your team that helps cover this disparity in this pairing's potential.
Regardless of your 战争女神 ally's skill level, you need to focus on increasing your gold income, outlasting your enemies, and taking down objectives. If you do this, you should do well anyway.
To truly master 祖安怒兽 to synergize with 战争女神 during both the lane and mid / late game phases of League of Legends matches, you should continue reading to master a few extra tricks and insights into this champion pairing. If you use the build and suggestions presented here, you will grow your win rate significantly.
The best finished items to build first in your 祖安怒兽 and 战争女神 synergy build consist of 振奋盔甲, 荆棘之甲, and 巨型九头蛇. When 祖安怒兽 used at least these three pieces in his build, he performed significantly better as an ally of 战争女神 than with most other common item sets. In fact, 祖安怒兽 boasted an average winrate of 46.5% when synergizing his build and playstyle to 战争女神 with this build.
To have the highest likelihood of vanquishing your oponents, you should take the 致命节奏, 凯旋, 传说:欢欣, 坚毅不倒, 迅捷, and 水上行走 runes from the 精密 and 巫术 rune sets. Out of all the runes players picked for 祖安怒兽 and 战争女神 pairings, this mix of runes yielded the best win rate. In fact, these runes provided a 46.5% winrate overall.
By default, tips, statistics, and builds on how to synergize 战争女神 with 祖安怒兽 are shown for all skill levels, merged. If you would like to filter the statistics and builds to a particular division, you can use the selection menu located earlier in the counter matchup guide.