- 奥拉夫可以在生命垂危时组合使用狂战之怒、残暴打击和诸神黄昏,来变得不可思议地强大。
- 激活残暴打击所获得的额外治愈能力,可以增强你的生命偷取,并从友军的治疗技能上获得更多治疗效果。
- 好好利用草丛!进出草丛可以大大影响你在战斗中的效果。
- 在团战开始时,用你的【Q标枪投掷】压制敌人,然后切换到美洲狮形态去追击被捕猎的目标。
- 【W丛林伏击】的陷阱会根据猎物的当前生命值来造成伤害。把它们放在己方队伍的后排,就可以在对面冲锋时帮助你的队伍对敌方的前排英雄造成伤害。
The 狂战士 狂野女猎手 synergy stats shown here demonstrate the areas of his gameplay that do better (or worse) when paired with 狂野女猎手, compared to his overall stats. Significant differences are areas of focus that highlight how his gameplay changes when paired with this other champion.
Overall, 狂战士 sees a very large drop in his KDA (ratio of kills and assists to deaths) when paired with 狂野女猎手. His KDA decreased from NaN to NaN. This decrease shows that 狂野女猎手 helps 狂战士 perform not as well in ranked League of Legends matches. Yet, the small difference demonstrates that this performance change is only marginal.
When 狂战士 is paired with 狂野女猎手, he gets a small decrease in his total damage output. This change could demonstrate that 狂野女猎手 does not support by providing protection for him to dish out more damage or that her support also helps extend the round's duration. Similarly, when 狂战士 is played with 狂野女猎手 on the same team, he usually scores many fewer killing sprees than when he plays alone. This is contrasting evidence that he is worse when playing alongside 狂野女猎手.
Moreover, when 狂战士 plays with 狂野女猎手 on the same team, he usually receives a little more damage than when he fights alone. Getting dealt more damage could indicate that 狂野女猎手 does a poor job of covering 狂战士 during teamfights.
There is no perfect ally for 狂战士 that will 100% of the time be his ideal ally. Yet, overall, 狂野女猎手 is a terrible teammate for 狂战士. By locking into the same team as 狂战士, she decreases their win rate by -8.5% to 40.5%. This signals that there is a very bad bond between 狂战士 and 狂野女猎手 that results in them performing not as well together than without each other.
狂野女猎手 has a much greater difficulty compared to 狂战士. That means 狂战士 players need to be cautious when finding 狂野女猎手 teammates to fight alongside, as they will have to have a much greater level of skill to be able to cooperate well with you.
Working alongside, you will likely witness an overall large increase in your team’s capacity to deal physical damage. Together, these two can tear through the other team with a lot of physcial damage.
Although, by bringing 狂战士 and 狂野女猎手 together, you may not be granting your other teammates a lot of crowd control. We recommend you have other champions on your team that neutralizes this relative hole in this pairing's kit.
Regardless of your 狂野女猎手 ally's ability, you need to focus on maximizing your income, outlasting your enemies, and clearing objectives. If you follow these simple suggestions, you will do well, regardless.
If you would like to learn all of the intricacies of 狂战士 in order to work well with 狂野女猎手 during both the lane and mid / late game phases of League of Legends games, you should continue reading to pick up additional tips and tricks for this champion pairing. If you mind the build and suggestions shown here, you should increase your win rate by a lot.
The most important finished items to prioritize in your 狂战士 and 狂野女猎手 synergy build include 海克斯注力刚壁, 玛莫提乌斯之噬, and 死亡之舞. When 狂战士 combined at least these three pieces in his build, he performed significantly better when paired up with 狂野女猎手 than with many other typical builds. In fact, 狂战士 had an average win rate of 40.5% when playing alongside 狂野女猎手 with these items in his kit.
To have the best probability of crushing your oponents, you should equip the 征服者, 凯旋, 传说:欢欣, 坚毅不倒, 行近速率, and 饼干配送 runes from the 精密 and 启迪 rune sets. Out of all the rune sets we have analyed for this team composition, this mix of runes resulted in the best win rate. Moreover, these runes provided a 40.5% win rate overall.
By default, tips, statistics, and builds on how to team up 狂野女猎手 with 狂战士 are displayed for all skill levels combined. If you want to scope the statistics and builds to a specific skill level, you should use the selection menu located at the top of this page.