- 最为理想的爆发连招是冷酷追击接透体圣光。
- 热诚烈弹会呈星形爆炸。试着找一个前置目标,然后用爆炸后的流弹命中敌方英雄。
- 由于被动技能“圣枪银弹”,卢锡安从攻击力中获得的收益要比从攻击速度中获得的收益还多得多。
- 一旦你为圣枪洗礼选择了一个角度,你就不能再改了。等时机成熟了再出手!
- 菲奥娜的【无双挑战】非常有用,甚至能帮她解决那些最为坚挺的对手,并在成功后提供恢复效果,所以,不要在攻击敌人的前排英雄时犹豫不决。
- 在【决斗之舞】的帮助下,菲奥娜特别擅长进行快速换血。攻击破绽后的移动速度加成,既能用来毫发无伤地逃离,又能用来发起下次攻击。
The 圣枪游侠 无双剑姬 synergy stats shown here demonstrate the areas of his gameplay that do better (or worse) when paired with 无双剑姬, compared to his overall stats. Significant differences are areas of focus that highlight how his gameplay changes when paired with this other champion.
Overall, 圣枪游侠 sees a very large drop in his KDA (ratio of kills and assists to deaths) when paired with 无双剑姬. His KDA decreased from NaN to NaN. This worsening shows that 无双剑姬 helps 圣枪游侠 perform poorer in ranked League of Legends games. Yet, the small difference shows that this performance change is only marginal.
When 圣枪游侠 tries to synergize with 无双剑姬, he gets a little drop in his full damage dealt. This change could indicate that 无双剑姬 doesn't help cover for him to deal more damage or that her support also helps extend the match's duration. Similarly, when 圣枪游侠 is played together with 无双剑姬 on the same side, he usually scores many fewer killing sprees than when he plays without 无双剑姬. This is contrasting evidence that he is worse when playing alongside 无双剑姬.
Moreover, when 圣枪游侠 plays with 无双剑姬 on the same team, he on average takes a little less damage than when he fights alone. Taking not as much damage may indicate that 无双剑姬 does a decent job of protecting 圣枪游侠 during team fights.
There is no universally accepted best synergy for 圣枪游侠 that will always be his top ally. Yet, overall, 无双剑姬 is a decent ally for 圣枪游侠. By locking into the same side as 圣枪游侠, she raises their win rate by 1.2% to 50.0%. This clearly indicates that there is a good strategic relationship between 圣枪游侠 and 无双剑姬 that allows them to perform at the top of their game together than without each other.
无双剑姬 has a much lower diffuclty than 圣枪游侠. That means 圣枪游侠 players don't need to be careful when finding 无双剑姬 comrades to fight alongside, as they will have to have a much lower level of skill to be able to play well with you.
Working on the same side, you should see an overall large increase in your team’s ability to dish out massive AD. When paired, these two should be able to take down targets with auto-attacks and other AD damage abilities.
Conversely, by aligning 圣枪游侠 and 无双剑姬 together, you probably will not be providing your side a lot of magical damage output. We recommend you bring other champions on your team that offsets this relative hole in their playstyle.
Regardless of the ability of your 无双剑姬 ally, you need to focus on maximizing your income, outlasting your enemies, and clearing objectives. If you heed this simple advice, you should do well anyway.
To truly master 圣枪游侠 to work well with 无双剑姬 during both the early game and mid / late game phases of League, you should continue reading to learn a few extra tricks and insights into this champion pairing. If you mind the build and tips displayed here, you will increase your win rate by a lot.
The best finished items to focus on in your 圣枪游侠 and 无双剑姬 synergy build include 守护天使, 海妖杀手, and 纳沃利迅刃. When 圣枪游侠 included at least these three pieces in his build, he performed significantly better as an ally of 无双剑姬 than with most other typical builds. In fact, 圣枪游侠 had an average win rate of 50.0% when playing alongside 无双剑姬 with these items in his kit.
To have the highest probability of defeating your oponents, you should equip the 强攻, 气定神闲, 传说:血统, 致命一击, 饼干配送, and 神奇之鞋 runes from the 精密 and 启迪 rune sets. Of all the rune sets players used for this champion pairing, this combo of runes resulted in the best win rate. Moreover, these runes gave a 50.0% winrate overall.
If you want to see 圣枪游侠 with 无双剑姬 synergy tips and stats for a a distinct skill level, feel free to choose one from the selection menu above. By default, the stats and strategies given are calculated using all games finished with both champions.