- 使用奥术跃迁来使你的其他技能更容易命中。
- 你可以施放精准弹幕来攻击多波小兵,甚至怪物。
- 你可以将伊泽瑞尔作为一个物理系后期或者法系后期来玩,这取决于你如何升级技能和出装备。
The 影流之镰 探险家 synergy stats shown here demonstrate the areas of his gameplay that do better (or worse) when paired with 探险家, compared to his overall stats. Significant differences are areas of focus that highlight how his gameplay changes when paired with this other champion.
Overall, 影流之镰 sees a large worsening in his KDA (ratio of kills and assists to deaths) when paired with 探险家. His KDA fell from NaN to NaN. This decrease shows that 探险家 helps 影流之镰 perform worse in ranked LoL games. Yet, the small difference demonstrates that this performance change is not very impactful.
When 影流之镰 tries to synergize with 探险家, he observes a marginal improvement in his total damage output. This change may signal that 探险家 provides protection for him to dish out more damage or that his allyship also helps increase the game's duration. Similarly, when 影流之镰 is played together with 探险家 on the same team, he usually scores many fewer killing sprees compared to when he plays without 探险家. This is contrasting evidence that he is worse when playing alongside 探险家.
Moreover, when 影流之镰 plays with 探险家 on the same team, he on average receives a little more damage than when he fights alone. Getting dealt more damage may mean that 探险家 does a poor job of covering 影流之镰 during teamfights.
There is no ideal companion for 影流之镰 that will 100% of the time be his best teammate. However, 探险家 is a below average ally for 影流之镰. By locking into the same side as 影流之镰, he lowers their win rate by -3.0% to 46.2%. This shows that there is a bad bond between 影流之镰 and 探险家 that results in them performing worse together than alone.
探险家 has a lower difficulty than 影流之镰. That means 影流之镰 players don't need to be cautious when lining up 探险家 teammates to play with, as they will need a lower level of skill to play well with you.
When playing alongside, you will likely observe an overall large increase in your team’s capacity to destroy wih physical damage. When paired, these two should be able to take down targets with auto-attacks and other AD damage abilities.
In contrast, by aligning 影流之镰 and 探险家 together, you may not be granting your team a great deal of support. Make sure to have other champs on your team that nullifies this relative gap in their playstyle.
Regardless of your 探险家 ally's skill level, you should focus on increasing your gold income, warding to avoid ambushes, and taking down objectives. If you heed this simple advice, you should do well, regardless.
To truly master 影流之镰 in order to pair well with 探险家 during both the laning and mid / late game phases of League rounds, you should continue reading to pick up a few extra lessons on this champion pairing. If you listen to the build and suggestions shown above, you should grow your win rate significantly.
The ideal finished items to focus on in your 影流之镰 and 探险家 synergy build consist of 守护天使, 赛瑞尔达的怨恨, and 亵渎九头蛇. When 影流之镰 incorporated at least these three great items in his build, he performed a lot better when fighting alongside 探险家 than with most other commonly used item sets. In fact, 影流之镰 boasted an average win rate of 46.2% when synergizing his build and playstyle to 探险家 with this build.
To have the greatest chance of defeating your oponents, you should use the 黑暗收割, 猛然冲击, 眼球收集器, 寻宝猎人, 神奇之鞋, and 未来市场 runes from the 主宰 and 启迪 rune sets. Of all the rune sets players chose for this team composition, this mixture of runes resulted in the top win rate. Moreover, these runes gave a 46.2% winrate overall.
By default, tips, stats, and builds on how to pair 探险家 with 影流之镰 are given for all ranked divisions. If you would like to narrow the stats and builds to a distinct rank, you should use the selection menu at the top of this page.