- 【W烟幕弹】既可以用来逃命,也可以用来杀人。
- 可以用【E快速拔枪】来接近敌人,然后用【Q大号铅弹】来造成巨额的伤害。
The 法外狂徒 虚空之女 synergy stats shown here demonstrate the areas of his gameplay that do better (or worse) when paired with 虚空之女, compared to his overall stats. Significant differences are areas of focus that highlight how his gameplay changes when paired with this other champion.
Overall, 法外狂徒 sees a large worsening in his KDA (ratio of kills and assists to deaths) when paired with 虚空之女. His KDA went down from NaN to NaN. This decrease shows that 虚空之女 helps 法外狂徒 perform poorer in competitive League of Legends rounds. Yet, the small difference demonstrates that this performance change is not very impactful.
When 法外狂徒 is an ally to 虚空之女, he sees a little decrease in his total damage output. This change may demonstrate that 虚空之女 does not help protection for him to deal more damage or that her support also helps increase the match's duration. Similarly, when 法外狂徒 is played alongside 虚空之女 on the same side, he usually scores many fewer killing sprees than when he plays on his own. This is contrasting evidence that he is worse when playing alongside 虚空之女.
Additionally, when 法外狂徒 plays with 虚空之女 on the same side, he typically takes a little less damage than when he fights alone. Receiving not as much damage may indicate that 虚空之女 does a decent job of protecting 法外狂徒 during teamfights.
There is no one best ally for 法外狂徒 that will no matter what be his ideal teammate. However, overall, 虚空之女 is a very bad teammate for 法外狂徒. By playing on the same side as 法外狂徒, she drops their win rate by -4.3% to 46.2%. This shows that there is a very bad synergy between 法外狂徒 and 虚空之女 that allows them to perform worse together than alone.
虚空之女 has a greater difficulty than 法外狂徒. That means 法外狂徒 players should be cautious when lining up 虚空之女 comrades to go into battle on the same side as, as they will need a greater level of skill to fight well with you.
Playing cooperatively, you will likely observe an overall large increase in your team’s ability to dish out massive AD. Combined, these champions can tear through the other team with a lot of physcial damage.
In contrast, by aligning 法外狂徒 and 虚空之女 together, you probably will not be granting your team much crowd control. We recommend you have other champs on your team that fills this relative disparity in this pairing's potential.
Regardless of your 虚空之女 ally's skill level, you need to focus on increasing your income, warding to avoid ambushes, and clearing objectives. If you follow these simple suggestions, you should do well anyway.
To learn all of the intricacies of 法外狂徒 in order to pair well with 虚空之女 during both the lane and mid / late game phases of League of Legends matches, you should keep reading to learn some more tricks and insights into this champion pairing. If you listen to the build and tips presented above, you will grow your win rate by a lot.
The best finished items to have in your 法外狂徒 and 虚空之女 synergy build consist of 幽梦之灵, 玛莫提乌斯之噬, and 感电三轮刃. When 法外狂徒 bought at least these three finished items in his build, he did a lot better when fighting alongside 虚空之女 than with most other common item sets. In fact, 法外狂徒 had an average win rate of 46.2% when synergizing his build and playstyle to 虚空之女 with this build.
To have the best probability of coming out on top against your oponents, you should equip the 迅捷步法, 凯旋, 传说:欢欣, 致命一击, 猛然冲击, and 寻宝猎人 runes from the 精密 and 主宰 rune sets. Of all the rune sets players picked for this champion pairing, this combination of runes resulted in the best win rate. Moreover, these runes gave a 46.2% winrate overall.
If you want to see 法外狂徒 with 虚空之女 cooperations tips and stats for a a particular division, please select one from the selection menu above. By default, the statistics and build suggestions shown are computed using every match played with these champions.