- 你可以用【Q奥义!千鸟】向对手发起第一段的【忍法!雷缚印】效果,然后再释放【W奥义!电刃】。
- 【E奥义!雷铠】可以用来切入战场,因为击中敌人所带来的能量回复可以使他稍后使用其他技能。
- 你可以叠加3枚【忍法!雷缚印】来晕眩你的对手。
- 伊泽瑞尔很脆弱,你可以优先攻击他。
- 伊泽瑞尔完全凭借技能攻击,你可以躲在小兵旁边,利用小兵来躲避他的技能。
- 秘术射击可以附带攻击特效,包括召唤师峡谷中绯红印记树怪的增益(燃烧+减速)。
The stats provided here highlight several critical 狂暴之心 versus 探险家 matchup statistics that may help you interpret the differences and similarities between the two. For instance, 狂暴之心’s KDA ratio ([kills + assists] / deaths) of NaN is greater than 探险家’s ratio of NaN, indicating that 狂暴之心 may be more central to his team's team fighting effectiveness than 探险家..
狂暴之心 normally has a similar longest kill spree as his foe does. Typically, he takes a similar amount of damage to 探险家. This is usually reflective of differing health capacities, yet it can also imply that the champ with higher health has less mobility and thus is unable to kite away from further harm when poked or engaged.
Both LoL champions are great champions. Both have their strengths, weaknesses, and counters. In the game's current meta, 狂暴之心 usually wins when playing against 探险家, with a 51.4% win rate. Therefore, 狂暴之心 makes a good counter to 探险家.
While 狂暴之心 does have a higher winrate than 探险家, when they face off with one another, 狂暴之心 also has a lower learning curve that makes him a less complex champion to pick up and master. You still need to be cautious when picking 狂暴之心 into 探险家.
Furthermore, 狂暴之心 also has a good amount of CC and other utility, a similar amount to 探险家. This often makes her just as valuable during team fights, especially when trying to counter champions with a ton of burst damage.
While there isn't one best champion in League of Legends, in 狂暴之心 vs 探险家 matchups, 狂暴之心 is the better champion with a higher win rate, less champion complexity, and a similar amount of utility to help out your allies during teamfights.
狂暴之心 is a decent counter for 探险家. Focus your strategy on keeping up your gold and cs and clearing objectives. If you can do that, you should hold your own as 狂暴之心 against 探险家.
If you would like to learn all of the intricacies of 狂暴之心 to counter 探险家 during both the early game and mid / late game phases of League of Legends, you should continue reading to pick up a few extra tips and tricks for this matchup. If you listen to the build and tips presented here, you should increase your win rate significantly and be that much closer to League of Legends pro players.
狂暴之心 typically racks up a similar amount of CS relative to 探险家. Champs who on average don't earn much CS often don't require much CS to be effective, such as supports. These kinds of champions are capable of scaling properly off of their abilities and first items alone. Yet, champs with large amounts of CS, such as hyper-carries, usually require a lot of items to be effective. In either situation, try to exceed the values reported on this page to do well.
The top items to focus on in your 狂暴之心 versus 探险家 build include 灭世者的死亡之帽, 海克斯科技火箭腰带, and 风暴狂涌. When 狂暴之心 combined at least these three pieces in his build, he did significantly better vs. 探险家 than with many other typical builds. In fact, 狂暴之心 boasted an average winrate of 51.4% battling 探险家 with these items in his kit.
To have the highest likelihood of vanquishing 探险家 as 狂暴之心, 狂暴之心 players should equip the 电刑, 血之滋味, 眼球收集器, 终极猎人, 绝对专注, and 焦灼 runes from the 主宰 and 巫术 rune sets. Out of all the rune combinations that we analyzed for 狂暴之心 vs 探险家 clashes, this combination of runes yielded the greatest win rate. Moreover, these runes averaged a 51.4% winrate overall.
If you would like to see 狂暴之心 x 探险家 tips and counter stats for a a particular player tier, feel free to choose one from the selection menu shown above. By default, the statistics and strategies shown are calculated using all rounds run with both champs.