- 保持一定距离,避免被过肩摔投掷到敌人堆里去。
- 辛吉德要接近你的队伍,才能施展技能,充分利用这一点,在攻击他的友军时,使用控制技能限制他的移动。
- 追击辛吉德的时候要小心,他很难被打倒,且在你追赶过程中,他能用剧毒踪迹对你造成伤害。
The stat comparisons shown here feature several critical 虚空之女 versus 炼金术士 counter stats that may help us grasp the differences between the two. For instance, 虚空之女’s KDA ratio ([kills + assists] / deaths) of NaN is more than 炼金术士’s KDA ratio of NaN, showing that 虚空之女 may be more central to her team's team fighting potential than 炼金术士. This observation is largely caused by the difference in kills.
虚空之女 usually has a slightly larger longest kill spree than her foe does. Typically, she takes less damage than 炼金术士. This typically indicates differing health capacities, but it can also imply that the champ with higher health has less agility and thus is not able to flee from further harm when engaged or poked.
Both League of Legends champions are great. Both champs have their strengths, weaknesses, and counters. In the game's current meta, 虚空之女 usually loses when facing off against 炼金术士, with a 43.6% win rate. Therefore, 虚空之女 makes a poor counter to 炼金术士.
While 虚空之女 does have a much lower winrate than 炼金术士, when they face off with one another, 虚空之女 also has a greater difficulty level that makes her a more complex champion to learn. You should be very concerned when picking 虚空之女 into 炼金术士.
Additionally, 虚空之女 also has only a small amount of utility and CC, a similar amount to 炼金术士. This makes her just as valuable during team fights, especially when fighting champions with a ton of burst damage.
While there is not one best champion overall in League of Legends, in 虚空之女 vs 炼金术士 matchups, 炼金术士 is the better champ with a much lower win rate, more champion depth, and a similar amount of utility to help out your allies during late stage team fights.
虚空之女 is a garbage counter for 炼金术士. Focus your strategy on increasing your CS and taking out objectives. If you can do that, you should be able to stand on your own as 虚空之女 against 炼金术士.
If you would like to learn all of the intricacies of 虚空之女 in order to counter 炼金术士 during both the lane and mid / late game phases of League of Legends, you should keep reading to gather a few extra tips and tricks for this matchup. If you mind the build and stats shown here, you will increase your win rate significantly and be that much closer to League of Legends pro players.
虚空之女 on average accumulates a similar amount of CS compared to 炼金术士. Champions who on average don't earn much CS typically don't need much CS to be effective, such as support champions. These kinds of champions are able to scale properly off of their skills, stats, and first items alone. Yet, champions with a lot of CS, such as hyper-carries, typically have to have several high cost items to be effective. In either case, try to exceed the numbers shown here to do well.
The most crucial items to focus on in your 虚空之女 versus 炼金术士 build consist of 界弓, 风暴狂涌, and 海妖杀手. When 虚空之女 used at least these three pieces in her build, she performed a lot better vs. 炼金术士 than with most other common counter builds. In fact, 虚空之女 had an average winrate of 43.6% when playing against 炼金术士 with this counter build.
To have the highest chance of crushing 炼金术士 as 虚空之女, 虚空之女 players should take the 致命节奏, 气定神闲, 传说:血统, 致命一击, 饼干配送, and 神奇之鞋 runes from the 精密 and 启迪 rune sets. Out of all the rune combinations players used for 虚空之女 vs 炼金术士 face-offs, this order of runes resulted in the highest win rate. In fact, these runes gave a 43.6% winrate overall.
If you would like to view 虚空之女 vs 炼金术士 tips and builds for a a particular division, feel free to choose one from the selection menu provided above. If viewing for the first time, the stats and guides given are calculated using every game with data with these champions.