As a result of 祖安花火's K/D/A and utility, they have a terrible overall win rate. They do very well in the late game, with a winrate of 47.6% in that phase. Unfortunately, they do very poorly in the early game, where 祖安花火's winrate is 46.5%., The difference between their best and worst game phases is only 1.1%. This negligible difference makes it clear that their relative power is uniform during a whole game.
祖安花火 has been used only occasionally in recent ranked LoL rounds. In the current meta, their popularity is 2.2%. They are rarely banned during champ select. Obviously, very few players see them as a substantial threat. In the latest ranked games, 祖安花火 was banned 0.4% of the time.
You can find them most often laning in the bottom position. The best win rate position for 祖安花火 is bottom (46.5%). At this time, 祖安花火's meta game is focused on dealing damage. Specifically, their build should mainly be focused on physical damage. Furthermore, they are a pretty good tank champ. Dealing magical damage is the least critical part of 祖安花火’s gameplay.
You should anticipate having to spend a decent amount of time practicing and learning to get good at playing 祖安花火. Most LoL gamers consider they are an average difficulty champ to get good at. 祖安花火 primarily deals physical damage (67% of their total damage). They also deals a significant amount of magic damage.
祖安花火 deals a lot of damage during a regular ranked game (20,913 damage). You should focus on developing them as a damage dealing champion to crush your opponents.
If you are looking for a dominating damage dealer, then you should definitely consider this champ. They have one of the absolute best kill counts on the Rift amongst all champs. Additionally, they have a fairly typical average champion death count (6 deaths). Furthermore, 祖安花火's KDA is usually high with an average KDA ratio of 2.3 as well as 6.8 assists per game.