Because of 诺克萨斯统领's K/D/A and utility, he has a fairly average overall win rate. He does very well in the early game, with a winrate of 52.6% in that phase. Unfortunately, he does very poorly in the mid game, where 诺克萨斯统领's winrate is 49.95%., The difference between his best and worst game phases is only 2.6%. This large difference indicates that his power spikes and wanes in different parts of the round. Prepare accordingly.
诺克萨斯统领 has been used a lot in the latest ranked League of Legends rounds. In the current meta, his popularity is 7.4%. He is sometimes banned during champ select. Obviously, some players see him as a major threat. In recent ranked games, 诺克萨斯统领 was banned 4.8% of the time.
诺克萨斯统领 is most commonly played in the support position. This occurs in 53.7% of his rounds. Yet, support 诺克萨斯统领 has the highest win rate (53.3%) of all positions but is less popular of a position (played 15% of the time). Currently, 诺克萨斯统领's meta game is centered around dealing damage. Specifically, his gameplay should mainly be focused on magical damage. Additionally, he is a decent tank champ. Dealing physical damage is the least critical part of 诺克萨斯统领’s build.
You should anticipate having to dedicate a significant amount of time practicing and learning to get good at playing 诺克萨斯统领. Many LoL gamers believe he is a challenging champion to get good at. 诺克萨斯统领 mostly does magic damage (88% of his total damage). He doesn't deal much of other damage types and should not be played as hybrid damage dealer..
诺克萨斯统领 deals a lot of damage over the course of a typical round (20,360 damage). You should focus on building him as a damage dealing champ to defeat your enemies.
He is an average damage dealer in the game with 4.6 kills on average each round. That is one of the lowest kill rates amongst all supports. Moreover, he has a fairly above average death total with an average of 6.9 deaths per League of Legends round. Moreover, 诺克萨斯统领's KDA is usually high with an average KDA ratio of 2.4 as well as 11.7 assists per round.