LoL 暮光之眼 players could find him to be a confusing champ to build out properly. You'll notice that his build is modified when he is up against either diversified or homogenous team comps, demonstrating you should not take the same 暮光之眼 build every single game of League of Legends
The most critical items to incorporate into your champion's build are: 心之钢, 日炎圣盾, and 深渊面具. Those who added these pieces in their setups had a much better winrate than players who tried for other builds for 暮光之眼. Similarly, if you are fighting a well-mixed enemy team arrangement, you should strongly consider getting yourself the 坚决, and 主宰 runes. In recent matches, he won the largest fraction of his rounds when using these runes.
We calculated our 暮光之眼 build recommendations by examining 44,818 recently ranked League of Legends games with him in them. We only recommend the top winrate 暮光之眼 builds that were used by ranked players enough times for us to suggest them. With so many games in our dataset, we are quite confident in our recommended builds.