Because of 铁铠冥魂's K/D/A and utility, he has a pretty good overall win rate. He does very well in the early game, with a winrate of 54% in that phase. Unfortunately, he does worst in the late game, where 铁铠冥魂's winrate is 49.9%., The difference between his best and worst game phases is about 4.1%. This sizeable difference shows us that his power spikes and fades in different phases of the round. Prepare well.
铁铠冥魂 has been picked a lot in recent ranked League of Legends games. In the current meta, his popularity is 13.9%. He is very often banned during champ select. Obviously, most players see him as a huge threat. In recent ranked matches, 铁铠冥魂 was banned 14.2% of the time.
铁铠冥魂 is played mostly in the top position. This occurs in 87.9% of his matches. Top 铁铠冥魂 also has the highest win rate (52.7%) of all positions. Currently, 铁铠冥魂's meta game is focused on dealing damage. In particular, his build should mostly be focused on magical damage. Furthermore, he is a pretty good tank champ. Dealing physical damage is the least critical part of 铁铠冥魂’s playstyle.
You should anticipate having to spend only a little bit of time practicing and learning to get good at playing 铁铠冥魂. Many League gamers believe he is a simple champion to master. 铁铠冥魂 mostly deals magic damage (86% of his total damage). He doesn't deal much of other damage types and should not be considered a hybrid damage dealer..
铁铠冥魂 deals tons of damage in a typical match (24,821 damage). You should focus on building him as a powerful champ to destroy your opponents.
He is a powerful damage dealer on the Rift with 7.2 kills on average each game. That is one of the highest kill rates amongst all tops. Moreover, he has a fairly typical death rate with an average of 5.9 deaths per League of Legends game. Additionally, 铁铠冥魂 has a low KDA ratio (2.0) with 4.6 assists.