Using Distortion can help your positioning to land Ethereal Chains.
You can chain Sigil of Malice and Ethereal Chains to prevent characters with blink from escaping for up to 4 seconds.
Distortion allows you to be aggressive with your other spells while being able to return to safety.
Using Deceive over terrain can help you make a clean escape.
Try getting items with on-hit effects. These will also benefit your Hallucination clone.
Backstab's damage can be increased with increased Critical Damage effects like Infinity Edge.
The LeBlanc Shaco synergy stats shown here demonstrate the areas of her gameplay that do better (or worse) when paired with Shaco, compared to her overall stats. Significant differences are areas of focus that highlight how her gameplay changes when paired with this other champion.
Overall, LeBlanc sees a very large drop in her KDA (ratio of kills and assists to deaths) when paired with Shaco. His KDA fell from NaN to NaN. This drop shows that Shaco helps LeBlanc perform poorer in ranked LoL games. Yet, the small difference shows that this performance change is only marginal.
When LeBlanc is an ally to Shaco, she observes a marginal improvement in her complete damage dealt. This could indicate that Shaco supports by providing protection for her to dish out more damage or that his support also helps extend the game's duration. Similarly, when LeBlanc is played alongside Shaco on the same team, he usually scores many fewer killing sprees than when she plays without Shaco. This is contrasting evidence that she is worse when playing synergisticly with Shaco.
Additionally, when LeBlanc plays with Shaco on the same side, she on average receives more damage than when she fights alone. Receiving more damage may indicate that Shaco does a poor job of protecting LeBlanc during teamfights.
There is no ideal ally for LeBlanc that will always be her best synergy. However, overall, Shaco is a very typical companion for LeBlanc. By being on the same side as LeBlanc, he decreases their win rate by -0.5% to 46.3%. This demonstrates that there is not really a strong bond between LeBlanc and Shaco that allows them to perform worse together than without each other.
Shaco has a lower difficulty than LeBlanc. That means you don't need to be careful when arranging Shaco teammates to play with, as they will need a relatively low level of skill to cooperate well with you.
Working alongside, you should expect to witness an overall large increase in your team’s capability to deal magical damage. When paired, these champs can deal quite a lot of AP type damage.
Conversely, by grouping LeBlanc and Shaco together, you will not be providing your other allies enough crowd control. Plan to include other champs on your team that nullifies this relative hole in this pairing's playstyle.
Regardless of your Shaco ally's skill level, you should focus on increasing your gold income, outlasting your enemies, and taking down objectives. If you heed this simple advice, you should do well anyway.
If you would like to truly master LeBlanc to work well with Shaco during both the early game and mid / late game phases of League of Legends games, you should keep reading to master some more tricks and insights into this champion pairing. If you mind the build and stats displayed here, you will increase your win rate by a lot.
The most important items to prioritize in your LeBlanc and Shaco synergy build include Rabadon's Deathcap, Shadowflame, and Luden's Companion. When LeBlanc bought at least these three items in her build, she performed much better when paired up with Shaco than with most other typical builds. In fact, LeBlanc had an average winrate of 46.3% when synergizing her build and playstyle to Shaco with this build.
To have the greatest chance of vanquishing your oponents, LeBlanc players should use the Electrocute, Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collection, Treasure Hunter, Manaflow Band, and Scorch runes from the Domination and Sorcery rune sets. Of all the rune sets players picked for this champion pairing, this mix of runes yielded the best win rate. In fact, these runes provided a 46.3% win rate overall.
If you want to see LeBlanc and Shaco synergy tips and stats for a an individual division, feel free to choose one from the selection menu provided above. At first, the statistics and build suggestions displayed are calculated using all rounds played with these champions.