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Не держите Мантру про запас. Разгорающийся огонь эффективнее всего в командных боях, так как позволяет перезарядить Мантру несколько раз.
Разгорающийся огонь подходит для агрессивного стиля игры. Старайтесь как можно чаще поражать врага умениями и автоатаками, чтобы сократить время перезарядки Мантры и продолжить нападение.
Если вам сложно преследовать врагов при использовании Решимости, замедляйте их Внутренним пламенем или ускоряйтесь, используя Воодушевление.
The Камилла Карма synergy stats shown here demonstrate the areas of her gameplay that do better (or worse) when paired with Карма, compared to her overall stats. Significant differences are areas of focus that highlight how her gameplay changes when paired with this other champion.
Overall, Камилла sees a very large drop in her KDA (ratio of kills and assists to deaths) when paired with Карма. His KDA fell from NaN to NaN. This worsening shows that Карма helps Камилла perform worse in ranked LoL matches. Yet, the small difference indicates that this performance change is only marginal.
When Камилла is an ally to Карма, she gets a marginal improvement in her total damage output. This change could demonstrate that Карма supports by providing protection for her to deal more damage or that her support also helps extend the game's duration. Similarly, when Камилла is played alongside Карма on the same team, he usually scores many fewer killing sprees than when she plays on his own. This is contrasting evidence that she is worse when playing alongside Карма.
Additionally, when Камилла plays with Карма on the same side, she typically receives a little more damage than when she fights alone. Taking more damage may mean that Карма does a poor job of protecting Камилла in teamfights.
There is no ideal synergy for Камилла that will 100% of the time be her #1 teammate. Yet, Карма is a very typical ally for Камилла. By locking into the same team as Камилла, she has no effect on their win rate by 0.0% to 48.6%. This demonstrates that there is only a small bond between Камилла and Карма that results in them performing at the same level together than without each other.
Карма has a greater difficulty than Камилла. That means Камилла players need to be very careful when lining up Карма allies to go into battle on the same side as, as they will require a greater level of skill to be able to work well with you.
Working cooperatively, you should witness an overall large increase in your team’s ability to soak up damage. When paired, these champs will be a great protective duo.
In contrast, by bringing Камилла and Карма together, you probably will not be granting your team very much utility. We recommend you pick other champions on your team that nullifies this relative gap in this pairing's abilities.
Regardless of your Карма ally's ability, you should focus on maximizing your income, outlasting your enemies, and clearing objectives. If you do this, you will do well anyway.
If you would like to learn all of the intricacies of Камилла in order to pair well with Карма during both the early game and mid / late game phases of League games, you should keep reading to master additional lessons on this champion pairing. If you pay attention to the build and tips presented here, you will increase your win rate by a lot.
The best items to get in your Камилла and Карма synergy build consist of Испытание Стерака, Тройственный Союз, and Копье Седзина. When Камилла included at least these three pieces in her build, she did significantly better when paired up with Карма than with many other commonly used item sets. In fact, Камилла had an average winrate of 48.6% when synergizing her build and playstyle to Карма with these items in her kit.
To have the highest probability of defeating your oponents, you should equip the Хватка нежити, Удар щитом, Костяная пластина, Неустрашимость, Доставка печенья, and Магическая обувь runes from the Храбрость and Вдохновение rune sets. Of all the runes players picked for this team composition, this mix of runes resulted in the greatest win rate. In fact, these runes gave a 48.6% winrate overall.
By default, tips, stats, and builds on how to team up Карма with Камилла are shown for every ranked division. If you would like to narrow the stats and builds to a distinct player tier, you should use the selection menu located at the top of this page.