We comb through millions of League of Legends matches pulled directly from Riot’s servers each week and analyze the data using advanced algorithms to bring you the most accurate Ангел-хранитель stats online. We analyze the data by tier, so you can find the most relevant win rate and other stats.
Ангел-хранитель Summary
Ангел-хранитель is a terrific item in League of Legends. Players who bought Ангел-хранитель had one of the best win rates in the game (61%). This item fairs particularly well when paired with Расколотое небо or with Испытание Стерака. Similarly, the best champs to use Ангел-хранитель are Тимо and Маокай.
Ангел-хранитель Synergies
Ангел-хранитель is good when paired with these items ...