Первый эффект Костяного гарпуна, который активируется простым нажатием клавиши, применяется гораздо быстрее и наносит дополнительный урон.
Многие ваши умения позволяют не только атаковать врага, но и сбежать. Всегда продумывайте план отступления.
Поражая врагов вторым эффектом Костяного гарпуна, который активируется удерживанием клавиши, вы всегда притягиваете их на фиксированное расстояние. Применив гарпун, стоя вплотную к цели, вы перебросите ее себе за спину.
Пайк очень хрупок, поэтому не бойтесь на некоторое время сбегать из боя. Когда враги не видят вас, Дар утопленников восстанавливает вам значительную часть здоровья.
Зов клинков Шаи обездвиживает цель только в том случае, если в нее попадают 3 или больше возвращающихся пера.
Длительные бои в одном и том же месте позволяют Шае сбросить множество перьев. Не забывайте двигаться!
Тщательно подготовьтесь перед попыткой убить Шаю. При использовании Перьевой бури ее нельзя будет выбрать в качестве цели, из-за чего ваша засада может обернуться против вас.
The stats provided here underscore some influential Пайк against Шая counter stats that may help you realize the differences between this pair of champions. For instance, Пайк’s KDA ratio ([kills + assists] / deaths) of NaN is better than Шая’s ratio of NaN, showing that Пайк may be more central to his team's team fighting capacity than Шая..
Пайк normally has a similar longest kill spree as his enemy does. On average, he receives a similar amount of damage to Шая. This is usually reflective of different amounts of tankyness, but it can also indicate that the one champion has less agility and thus is unable to escape further harm when poked or engaged.
Both LoL champs are great champions. Both champs have their strengths, weaknesses, and counters. In League's current meta, Пайк usually loses when playing against Шая, with a 48.5% win rate. Therefore, Пайк makes a poor counter to Шая.
While Пайк does have a lower winrate compared to Шая, when they face off with one another, Пайк also has a greater difficulty level that makes him a more challenging champ to develop with. You should be careful when picking Пайк into Шаяas his relative depth means that you may not be able to reach his full potential without a significant amount of practice beforehand.
Moreover, Пайк also has some amount of CC and other utility, a similar amount to Шая. This often makes her just as valuable during teamfights, especially when facing champions with a ton of burst damage.
While there is not one best champion overall in League of Legends, in Пайк vs Шая matchups, Шая is the better champ with a lower win rate, more champion depth, and a similar amount of utility to help out your team members during late stage team fights.
Пайк is a somewhat poor counter for Шая. Make sure you focus your actions on maximizing your CS and clearing objectives. If you do that, you should do very well as Пайк against Шая.
If you would like to learn all of the intricacies of Пайк to counter Шая during both the lane and mid / late game phases of League of Legends, you should continue reading to gather a few extra tricks and insights into this matchup. If you mind the build and tips shown here, you should increase your win rate significantly and be that much closer to League of Legends pro players.
Пайк most often accumulates a lot less CS relative to Шая. Champions who on average don't acquire many minion kills typically don't have to have much CS to be valuable teammates, such as supports. These kinds of champions are able to scale well off of their abilities and first items alone. Yet, champions with large amounts of CS, such as hyper-carries, typically require a lot of items to be effective. In either situation, try to surpass the values reported here to do well.
The most important items to focus on in your Пайк versus Шая build include Теневая глефа, Кровавая песнь, and Шакрам Аксиом. When Пайк incorporated at least these three items in his build, he performed a lot better when facing Шая than with many other common builds. In fact, Пайк had an average win rate of 48.5% when countering Шая with these items in his kit.
To have the highest probability of vanquishing Шая as Пайк, you should equip the Казнь электричеством, Внезапный удар, Коллекция глаз, Абсолютный охотник, Удар милосердия, and Триумф runes from the Доминирование and Точность rune sets. Of all the rune combinations players picked for Пайк vs Шая counter picks, this blending of runes resulted in the highest win rate. Notably, these runes averaged a 48.5% win rate overall.
If you need to see Пайк vs Шая tips and builds for a a distinct division rank, feel free to select one from the selection menu above. At first, the stats and build suggestions given are calculated using every match finished with these champs.