Покров тьмы и Паранойя хорошо сочетаются: враги могут запаниковать и потратить важное умение на ваш барьер.
Правильное использование Паранойи необязательно включает в себя бросок к врагу.
Вестник заката хорош не только в нападении. С его помощью можно оторваться от врага, что иногда спасает жизнь.
Зов клинков Шаи обездвиживает цель только в том случае, если в нее попадают 3 или больше возвращающихся пера.
Длительные бои в одном и том же месте позволяют Шае сбросить множество перьев. Не забывайте двигаться!
Тщательно подготовьтесь перед попыткой убить Шаю. При использовании Перьевой бури ее нельзя будет выбрать в качестве цели, из-за чего ваша засада может обернуться против вас.
The stat comparisons provided here highlight several significant Ноктюрн against Шая counter statistics that can help you explain the differences between this pair of champions. For instance, Ноктюрн’s KDA ratio ([kills + assists] / deaths) of NaN is more than Шая’s KDA ratio of NaN, demonstrating that Ноктюрн may be more central to his team's team fighting effectiveness than Шая..
Ноктюрн typically has a similar longest killing spree as his matchup does. On average, he takes more damage than Шая. This often reflects different amounts of tankyness; however, it can also illustrate that the champion with more health has less mobility and thus is unable to escape additional harm when engaged or poked.
Both LoL champions are great. Both have their pros and cons. In the game's current meta, Ноктюрн usually wins when trying to fight Шая, with a 51.5% win rate. Therefore, Ноктюрн makes a good counter to Шая.
While Ноктюрн does have a higher win rate than Шая, when they face off with one another, Ноктюрн also has a lower level of difficulty that makes him a less complex champion to pick up and master. You should be careful when picking Ноктюрн into Шая.
Furthermore, Ноктюрн also has almost no amount of CC and other utility, a similar amount to Шая. This makes her just as valuable during teamfights, especially when facing champions with a lot of burst damage.
While there is not one best champion for every situation in League of Legends, in Ноктюрн vs Шая matchups, Ноктюрн is the better champion with a higher win rate, less champion complexity, and a similar amount of utility to help out your allied champions during late stage team fights.
Ноктюрн is a decent counter to Шая. Focus your play on maximizing your gold income and clearing objectives. If you do that, you should be able to stand on your own as Ноктюрн against Шая.
To learn all of the intricacies of Ноктюрн in order to counter Шая during both the lane and mid / late game phases of League of Legends, you should keep reading to learn a few extra lessons on this matchup. If you listen to the build and stats shown here, you should grow your win rate significantly and be closer to League of Legends pro players.
Ноктюрн most often accumulates a lot less CS relative to Шая. Champions who typically don't take many minion kills often don't need much CS to be effective, such as supports. These kinds of champions are able to scale properly off of their skills, stats, and first items alone. Yet, champs with large amounts of CS, such as hyper-carries, often have to have several high cost items to be effective. In either situation, try to surpass the values displayed on this page to do well.
The ideal items to use in your Ноктюрн versus Шая build consist of Ангел-хранитель, Экспериментальная хекстековая броня, and Затмение. When Ноктюрн incorporated at least these three items in his build, he did much better versus Шая than with most other common builds. In fact, Ноктюрн had an average winrate of 51.5% when playing against Шая with these items in his kit.
To have the greatest probability of vanquishing Шая as Ноктюрн, you should use the Завоеватель, Триумф, Легенда: рвение, Последний рубеж, Коллекция глаз, and Абсолютный охотник runes from the Точность and Доминирование rune sets. Of all the rune sets that we analyzed for Ноктюрн vs Шая counter picks, this mix of runes yielded the highest win rate. In fact, these runes averaged a 51.5% win rate overall.
If you need to get Ноктюрн vs Шая tips and builds for a a specific division, feel free to select one from the selection menu displayed above. At first, the statistics and strategies given are computed using all rounds completed with these champs.