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Убивая миньонов, Клед постепенно возвращает мужество Скарл. Но сражаясь с чемпионами, он делает это значительно быстрее.
Жанна находится на пике силы, когда усиливает очередного союзника. Если вы сможете изнурить ее союзника, то это ослабит ее способность сражаться с вами.
Приберегите прерывающее умение до момента, когда Жанна начнет использовать свое абсолютное умение.
Прислушивайтесь к звуку заряжающегося Воющего вихря, которым Жанна пытается вас поразить из-за границ экрана или из кустов.
The stat comparisons shown here show some strategic Клед versus Жанна matchup stats that may help you figure out the distinctions between the pair. For instance, Клед’s KDA ratio ([kills + assists] / deaths) of NaN is more than Жанна’s ratio of NaN, showing that Клед may be more central to his team's team fighting effectiveness than Жанна. This observation is in large part a result of the difference in kills.
Клед often has a much larger longest killing spree than his enemy does. On average, he receives more damage than Жанна. This commonly reflects different amounts of tankyness, yet it can also hint that the one champion has less mobility and thus is unable to escape additional harm when engaged or poked.
Both LoL champions are great champions. Both champs have their strengths, weaknesses, and counters. In League's current meta, Клед usually loses when playing against Жанна, with a 48.7% win rate. Therefore, Клед makes a poor counter for Жанна.
While Клед does have a lower win rate compared to Жанна, when they face off with one another, Клед also has a greater level of difficulty that makes him a more complex champ to develop with. You still need to be cautious when picking Клед into Жаннаas his relative depth means you may not be able to reach his full potential without a significant amount of practice beforehand.
Additionally, Клед has some amount of CC and other utility, a similar amount to Жанна. This makes her just as valuable during team fights, especially when fighting champions with a lot of burst damage.
While there isn't a single best champion overall in League of Legends, in Клед vs Жанна matchups, Жанна is the better champ with a lower win rate, similar champion depth, and a similar amount of utility to help out your allied champions during team fights.
Клед is a somewhat poor counter for Жанна. Make sure you focus your actions on keeping up your gold income and taking out objectives. If you do that, you should be able to stand on your own as Клед against Жанна.
If you would like to truly master Клед to counter Жанна during both the early game and mid / late game phases of League of Legends, you should continue reading to gather a few extra lessons on this matchup. If you pay attention to the build and tips shown here, you will grow your win rate significantly and be that much closer to League of Legends pro players.
Клед usually racks up much more CS compared to Жанна. Champions who typically don't get many minion kills typically don't have to have much CS to be effective, such as sup champs. They are able to scale properly off of their skills, stats, and first items alone. Yet, champs with large amounts of CS, such as hyper-carries, usually need many items to be effective. In either situation, try to do better than the values shown on this page to do well.
The most important items to use in your Клед versus Жанна build include Черная секира, Титаническая гидра, and Танец смерти. When Клед included at least these three pieces in his build, he performed significantly better when fighting Жанна than with many other typical counter builds. In fact, Клед had an average win rate of 48.7% when playing against Жанна with this counter build.
To have the best probability of vanquishing Жанна as Клед, you should take the Завоеватель, Триумф, Легенда: рвение, Последний рубеж, Костяная пластина, and Снос runes from the Точность and Храбрость rune sets. Out of all the rune combinations players chose for Клед vs Жанна matchups, this sequence of runes yielded the highest win rate. Notably, these runes averaged a 48.7% win rate overall.
If you would like to get Клед vs Жанна tips and counter stats for a a specific skill level, please select one from the selection menu above. By default, the statistics and guides shown are computed using all rounds played with both champs.