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Старайтесь занять такую позицию, чтобы Смертоносные шипы не только помогали убивать миньонов, но и отгоняли вражеских чемпионов.
Если Талия использует Вздыбленную землю на линии, остерегайтесь Подземного толчка. Если ей удастся бросить вас на свои мины, она своими камнями раздробит ваши кости.
Плетеный залп Талии выпускает камни в заданном направлении. Если она начнет бросать в вас камни, отходите в сторону!
The stats provided here emphasize some important Чо'Гат against Талия counter statistics that can help you figure out the differences between the two. For instance, Чо'Гат’s KDA ratio ([kills + assists] / deaths) of NaN is more than Талия’s KDA ratio of NaN, indicating that Чо'Гат may be more central to his team's team fighting capability than Талия..
Чо'Гат usually has a similar longest kill spree as his foe does. Commonly, he takes more damage than Талия. This typically indicates different amounts of tankyness, yet it can also show that the champ with higher HP has less agility and thus is unable to escape further harm when poked or engaged.
Both League of Legends champions are great. Both have their pros and cons. In the game's current meta, Чо'Гат usually fairs equally well when taking on Талия, with a 50.7% win rate. Therefore, Чо'Гат makes an ok counter for Талия.
While Чо'Гат does have a higher winrate than Талия, when facing one another, Чо'Гат also has a greater level of difficulty that makes him a more difficult character to learn and master. You should be careful when picking Чо'Гат into Талия.
Moreover, Чо'Гат has some amount of utility and CC, a similar amount to Талия. This makes her just as valuable during team fights, especially when facing champions with a lot of burst damage.
While there is not one best champion for every situation in League of Legends, in Чо'Гат vs Талия matchups, Чо'Гат is the better champion with a similar win rate, similar champion depth, and a similar amount of utility to help out your team members during team fights.
Чо'Гат is a decent counter for Талия. Focus your tactics on keeping up your gold and cs and taking out objectives. If you are able to do that, you should do very well as Чо'Гат against Талия.
To truly master Чо'Гат in order to counter Талия during both the laning and mid / late game phases of League of Legends, you should continue reading to pick up a few extra lessons on this matchup. If you pay attention to the build and suggestions displayed here, you will grow your win rate significantly and be closer to League of Legends pro players.
Чо'Гат often gets a similar amount of CS as Талия. Champions who on average don't take much CS typically don't require much CS to be effective, such as supports. These kinds of champions are able to scale properly off of their skills, stats, and first items alone. Yet, champions with a lot of CS, such as hyper-carries, typically have to have a lot of items to be effective. In either situation, try to do better than the values reported here to do well.
The most important items to prioritize in your Чо'Гат versus Талия build include Бесконечное отчаяние, Сердце стали, and Сияние пустоты. When Чо'Гат used at least these three pieces in his build, he did a lot better against Талия than with most other commonly used item sets. In fact, Чо'Гат boasted an average winrate of 50.7% battling Талия with these items in his kit.
To have the best probability of crushing Талия as Чо'Гат, you should use the Хватка нежити, Снос, Накопление, Разрастание, Легенда: стойкость, and Триумф runes from the Храбрость and Точность rune sets. Out of all the rune combinations we have analyed for Чо'Гат vs Талия LoL games, this blending of runes yielded the best win rate. Notably, these runes provided a 50.7% winrate overall.
If you need to see Чо'Гат versus Талия tips and builds for a a specific skill level, feel free to select one from the selection menu provided above. If viewing for the first time, the statistics and strategies displayed are computed using every round with data with these champs.