Because of Гвен's K/D/A and utility, she has a terrible overall win rate. She does best in the late game, with a winrate of 52.8% in that phase. Unfortunately, she does worst in the early game, where Гвен's winrate is 43.9%., The difference between her best and worst game phases is a large 8.9%. This sizeable difference makes it clear that her power spikes and fades in different phases of the round. Plan accordingly.
Гвен has been used somewhat often in the latest ranked League of Legends matches. In the current meta, her popularity is 4.4%. She is sometimes banned during champ select. Obviously, some players see her as a significant threat. In the latest ranked matches, Гвен was banned 4% of the time.
You can find her typically played in the top position. However, that is not the best position for her. The top win rate position for Гвен is jungle (48,8%). Currently, Гвен's meta game is centered around dealing damage. In particular, her kit should primarily be focused on physical damage. Furthermore, she is a pretty good magical damage dealer champion. Supporting others and crowd control are the least important part of Гвен’s build.
You should expect to have to to dedicate a decent amount of time practicing and learning to pick up Гвен. Most League of Legends players consider she is an average difficulty champ to master. Гвен mostly deals magic damage (69% of her total damage). She doesn't deal much of other damage types and should not be played as hybrid damage dealer..
Гвен deals a great deal of damage in a typical game (22 357 damage). You should focus on developing her as a powerful champ to destroy your foes.
If you are looking for a dominating carry, then you should maybe consider this champ. She has one of the top kill totals in the game among all champions. Furthermore, she has a fairly high average champion death count (6.2 deaths). Additionally, Гвен has a low KDA ratio (1.6) with 4.3 assists.