Use Proteção das Trevas em conjunto com a corrida da Paranoia. Seu oponente pode entrar em pânico e desperdiçar um desarme crítico em seu escudo de feitiço.
Usar Paranoia em um momento crítico vale a pena mesmo se você não puder se aproveitar da corrida.
Portador do Anoitecer não é apenas uma habilidade ofensiva. Ela pode ser usada para ajustar a distância quando fora de combate ou escapar da morte certa.
Quando o machado de Darius está em Tempo de Recarga, ele fica vulnerável a ataques agressivos.
A capacidade que Darius tem para escapar de confrontos é limitada. Se estiver em vantagem contra ele, pressione a investida.
The stats shown on this page emphasize some important Nocturne versus Darius matchup stats that may help you appreciate the differences and similarities between the pair. Nocturne’s KDA ratio ([kills + assists] / deaths) of NaN is more than Darius’s KDA ratio of NaN, indicating that Nocturne may be more central to his team's team fighting potential than Darius..
Nocturne normally has a similar longest kill spree as his opponent does. Typically, he takes a similar amount of damage to Darius. This commonly reflects differing health capacities, yet it can also hint that the champ with higher HP has less agility and thus is not able to escape additional harm when engaged or poked.
Both LoL champions are great champions. Both have their strengths, weaknesses, and counters. In the game's current meta, Nocturne usually wins when trying to fight Darius, with a 52.9% win rate. As a result, Nocturne makes a good counter for Darius.
While Nocturne does have a higher win rate compared to Darius, when they face off with one another, Nocturne also has a greater level of difficulty that makes him a more time consuming champ to pick up and master. You should be be fine when picking Nocturne into Darius.
Additionally, Nocturne has almost no amount of utility and CC, a similar amount to Darius. This often makes her just as valuable during team fights, especially when fighting champions with a ton of burst damage.
While there is not a single best champion for every situation in League of Legends, in Nocturne vs Darius matchups, Nocturne is the better champion with a noticably higher win rate, more champion depth, and a similar amount of utility to help out your allies during late stage team fights.
Nocturne is a good counter to Darius. Make sure you focus your tactics on maximizing your gold income and taking out objectives. If you are able to do that, you should be able to stand on your own as Nocturne against Darius.
If you would like to truly master Nocturne to counter Darius during both the lane and mid / late game phases of League of Legends, you should continue reading to gather a few extra lessons on this matchup. If you listen to the build and tips presented above, you should grow your win rate significantly and be closer to League of Legends pro players.
Nocturne on average racks up a lot less CS compared to Darius. Champions who typically don't earn many minion kills typically don't need much CS to be effective, such as support champions. They are able to scale properly off of their abilities and first items alone. Yet, champs with a lot of CS, such as hyper-carries, usually have to have a lot of items to be effective. In either case, try to exceed the values displayed on this page to do well.
The ideal items to have in your Nocturne versus Darius build consist of Cutelo Negro, Hexoplaca Experimental, and Arco do Axioma. When Nocturne combined at least these three pieces in his build, he did significantly better vs Darius than with many other commonly used builds. In fact, Nocturne boasted an average win rate of 52.9% when playing against Darius with this counter build.
To have the highest probability of coming out on top against Darius as Nocturne, Nocturne players should use the Ritmo Fatal, Triunfo, Lenda: Espontaneidade, Golpe de Misericórdia, Perspicácia Cósmica, and Calçados Mágicos runes from the Precisão and Inspiração rune sets. Out of all the rune builds players chose for Nocturne vs Darius clashes, this combination of runes yielded the greatest win rate. Notably, these runes gave a 52.9% win rate overall.
By default, tips, stats, and builds on how to beat Darius as Nocturne are presented for all skill levels, merged. If you would like to filter the statistics and builds to an individual division, you may use the selection menu above.