Carregue por completo o Quebra-cofre para causar o dano máximo. Contudo, se tudo que precisa fazer é interromper ou usar CC em seu inimigo, você pode soltá-lo mais cedo.
Vi é um ótimo campeão de engage. Contudo, não fique se achando e dê um dive na black line inimga sem assistência.
Use Saque e Enterrada para iniciar teamfights e garanta que seu time esteja por perto.
LoL Vi players will likely find her to be a challenging champ to build out properly. You will notice that her build varies when she is playing against either well-rounded or specialized team compositions, indicating you shouldn't select the same Vi build every game of League of Legends
The most important items to use in your champ's build include: Eclipse, Anjo Guardião, and Dança da Morte. Players who added these items in their builds had a much higher win rate than players who tried for other Vi builds. Similarly, if you are facing a well-mixed enemy team comp, you should strongly consider getting her the Precisão, and Inspiração runes. In recent games, she won the greatest percentage of her rounds when using these runes.
We set our Vi build suggestions by examining 77.918 recently ranked League of Legends matches with her selected. We only propose the best winrate Vi builds that were built by ranked LoL players enough times for us to propose them. With so many games in our dataset, we are very confident in our recommended builds.