The top champs globally to counter Thresh include Kai'Sa, Ziggs, and Zeri. These champions are all great at countering Thresh with high win rates over 57%. Even if these Thresh counter picks are not chosen opposite your position, it's not smart to play him into these matchups. They will very likely crush Thresh.
Conversely, if the opposing team choses either Rumble or Brand, Thresh mains should strongly think about picking him, as he easily dominates these selections with win rates over 52% against both ofthem.
Você pode fleshar para fora da ult de Thresh para evitar ser pego e focado.
Se você for o ADC de seu time, foque no posicionamento de Thresh. Thresh é forte contra carries devido seu hook de longa duração e outros controles de grupo. Sua única defesa é a lentidão de seu hook. Desvie!