De Singed, use Rastro de Veneno na frente de seus minions para incomodar o inimigo e controlar a lane.
Jogue seus inimigos de volta ao range da torre, a seus aliados ou para a área de efeito do Mega Adesivo para enraizá-los.
Acrescente lentidão ao seu Rastro de Veneno incorporando Cetro de Cristal de Rylai para a sua build de Singed, fazendo com que sejá inútil persegui-lo.
League of Legends Singed players may find him to be a confusing champ to build out properly. You'll find that his build changes when he is up against either generic or homogenous team comps, meaning you shouldn't choose the same Singed build every single game of League of Legends
The best items to incorporate into your champion's build include: Bastão das Eras, Capuz da Morte de Rabadon, and Cetro de Cristal de Rylai. Those who included these pieces in their gear had a much better win rate than players who used other Singed builds. Similarly, if you are trying to beat a well-mixed enemy team composition, you should really consider grabbing him the Precisão, and Feitiçaria runes. In recent games, he won the greatest number of his matches when built with these runes.
We set our Singed build suggestions by analyzing 41.447 recently ranked League of Legends games with him in them. We only recommend the best winrate Singed builds that were built by ranked players enough times for us to reccomend them. With so many matches in our dataset, we are quite confident in our suggested builds.