The best champions out of lane to counter Riven include Kai'Sa, Zeri, and Varus. These are all good at countering Riven with decent win rates over 55%. Even if these Riven counter picks are not taken opposite your position, it's not smart to play her into one of these matchups. They will most often win against Riven.
Conversely, if the opposite team picks either Teemo or Heimerdinger, you should strongly think about choosing her, as she easily beats these champs with win rates over 53% against both ofthem.
Guarde um desarmamento para a Riven e a atraia para um dive debaixo de sua torre para atordoá-la e abatê-la.
Por causa do grade potencial de burst da Riven, não dê engage sozinho.
Riven é forte contra vário inimigos em lutas 1x1. Ela escala muito bem com dano e se tornar muito temida no late game.