Rakan é um suporte forte, particularmente curando e dando escudo a aliados durante as teamfights. Fique perto de seus aliados para da engage.
Um potente combo em teamfights é Dança da Batalha e Entrada Triunfal.
League of Legends Rakan players may find him to be a difficult character to build out properly. You'll see that his build varies when he is fighting either well-rounded or highly focused team compositions, indicating you should not choose the same Rakan build every single round of League of Legends
The most critical items to use in your champ's build include: Hino Bélico de Shurelya, Bastião da Montanha, and Pedra-vigia Vigilante. Players who included these pieces in their kits had a greater win rate than players who went for other item builds for Rakan. Moreover, if you are playing a varied enemy team comp, you should strongly consider getting yourself the Determinação, and Dominação runes. In recent games, he won the largest number of his matches when equipped with these runes.
We established our Rakan build suggestions by examining 88.282 recently ranked LoL games with him in them. We only recommend the highest winrate Rakan builds that have been built by ranked League players enough times for us to reccomend them. With so many matches in our data, we are quite confident in our provided builds.