The greatest picks not in lane to counter Poppy include Xayah, Lucian, and Zeri. These are all good at countering Poppy with high win rates over 63%. Even if these Poppy counter picks are not chosen in the same position as you, it's not smart to take her into any of these matchups. They will most often win against Poppy.
Yet, if the enemy team picks either Annie or Teemo, you should strongly think about taking her, as she easily beats these champs with win rates over 54% against both ofthem.
Poppy é forte contra vários campeões com alta mobilidade. Com sua Investida Heroica, ela é capaz de evitar que inimigos deem dash ou corram dela.
Ela será capaz de isolar carries inimigos durante teamfights com sua Ult. Com essa habilidade, Poppy é forte essencialmente contra tanques da frontile também.
Use do harass para perturbar Poppy e forçá-la sair da lane para se curar.