Use Nunu para roubar o farm da jungle inimiga abatendo o Azuporã e o Rubrivira.
Certifique-se de usar Ferver o Sangue no seu carry aliado para aumentar seu dano e velocidade de ataque.
League of Legends Nunu e Willump players will likely find him to be a complex character to build out properly. You will see that his build changes when he is up against either generic or highly focused team compositions, showing you should not follow the same Nunu e Willump build every round of League of Legends
The most essential items to use in your champion's build are: Virtude Radiante, Armadura de Espinhos, and Abraço Demoníaco. Those who added these pieces in their setups had a higher win rate than players who went for other item builds for Nunu e Willump. Likewise, if you are facing a well-mixed enemy team comp, you should really consider grabbing him the Determinação, and Feitiçaria runes. In recent matches, he won the largest percentage of his rounds when equipped with these runes.
We established our Nunu e Willump build guidance by analyzing 64.330 recently ranked League matches with him selected. We only propose the best winrate Nunu e Willump builds that have been used by ranked League players enough times for us to advise them. With so many matches in our data, we are very confident in our suggested builds.