Chamado do Vazio pode ser usado para silenciar múltiplos inimigos se invocado no local correto.
Aperto Ínfero pode ser usado para parar carries inimigos enquanto seu time neutraliza-o durante um gank, e também pode ser usado para manter um carry inimigo imobilizado durante uma teamfight.
League of Legends Malzahar players will find him to be a dynamic champion to build out properly. You'll find that his build is modified when he is fighting either diversified or specialized team comps, showing you shouldn't choose the same Malzahar build every single game of League of Legends
The most important items to incorporate into your champ's build are: Angústia de Liandry, Abraço de Seraph, and Capuz da Morte de Rabadon. Players who included these items in their kits had a much better win rate than players who utilized other Malzahar builds. Similarly, if you are facing a well-mixed enemy team arrangement, you should really consider grabbing Malzahar the Feitiçaria, and Inspiração runes. In recent games, he won the greatest number of his games when equipped with these runes.
We established our Malzahar build suggestions by examining 117.560 recently ranked League games with him selected. We only advise the top winrate Malzahar builds that have been used by ranked League players enough times for us to advise them. With so many rounds in our dataset, we are quite confident in our suggested builds.