The greatest champions out of lane to counter Lucian include Nidalee, Sejuani, and Gragas. These picks are all good at countering Lucian with decent win rates over 58%. Even if these Lucian counter picks are not taken in the same position as you, it's not a good idea to choose him into one of these matchups. They will usually crush Lucian.
Conversely, if the opposite team brings either Teemo or Maokai, you should seriously consider selecting him, as he easily wins against these champions with win rates over 54% against both ofthem.
Lucian é forte contra a maioria dos ADCs inimigos no early e mid game quando ele está bem forte devido a sua passiva do Disparo Ilumidado sinergizando com sua Luz Perfurante.
Levar o jogo ao late game faz com que a utilidade de Lucian caia. Ele não funciona bem contra outros ADCs no late game.