The best picks out of lane to counter Lee Sin include Xayah, Kalista, and Kai'Sa. These champs are all great at countering Lee Sin with win rates over 60%. Even if these Lee Sin counter picks are not chosen opposite your position, it's not a good idea to take him into any of these matchups. They will usually beat Lee Sin.
Conversely, if the other team picks either Wukong or Heimerdinger, Lee Sin mains should seriously consider taking him, as he easily wins against these champions with win rates over 51% against each ofthem.
Espalhem-se par evitar de serem acertados pela ult de Lee Sin, Fúria do Dragão.
Lee Sin é forte contra inimigos de flanco e com pouca mobilidade. Lee Sin é ótimo em dar engage e desengage quando quiser.
Lee Sin é vulnerável a dano mágico, então utilize de seus desarmamentos e feitiços nele durante a teamfight.