Katarina pode farmar eficientemente cedo com Lâmina Saltitante mas é melee então precisa tomar cuidado durante a fase de rotas.
Não inicie teamfights com Lótus da Morte. No lugar disso, deixe seu time iniciar e então entre no meio do time inimigo com a Lótus da Morte.
LoL Katarina players will likely find her to be a dynamic character to build out properly. You'll see that her build varies when she is up against either well-rounded or highly focused team comps, demonstrating you shouldn't select the same Katarina build every round of League of Legends
The most important items to include in your champ's build include: Explocinturão Hextec, Capuz da Morte de Rabadon, and Perdição de Lich. Those who included these items in their setups had a much better winrate than those who tried for other item builds for Katarina. Moreover, if you are playing a varied enemy team composition, you should strongly consider getting yourself the Dominação, and Determinação runes. In recent matches, she won the largest number of her games when equipped with these runes.
We set our Katarina build suggestions by examining 88.923 recently ranked LoL rounds with her selected. We only recommend the highest winrate Katarina builds that were used by ranked LoL players enough times for us to propose them. With so many games in our data, we are confident in our recommended builds.