Kassadin precisa ser cuidadoso durante a fase de rotas porque ele tem pouca mobilidade cedo e pode dar o último hit em minions apenas corpo-a-corpo.
Certifique-se de que o time inimigo está focando em seus aliados antes de entrar em uma luta, nunca seja quem inicia ou fica na linha de frente.
League of Legends Kassadin players will likely find him to be a confusing champ to build out properly. You will notice that his build is modified when he is up against either diversified or specialized team comps, demonstrating you should not select the same Kassadin build every game of League of Legends
The best items to include in your champ's build are: Coroa da Rainha Despedaçada, Abraço de Seraph, and Perdição de Lich. Those who included these pieces in their setups had a significantly better win rate than players who tried for other item builds for Kassadin. Moreover, if you are fighting a mixed enemy team arrangement, you should strongly consider getting Kassadin the Inspiração, and Dominação runes. In recent matches, he won the largest percentage of his matches when equipped with these runes.
We established our Kassadin build recommendations by examining 46.074 recently ranked League of Legends games with him selected. We only advise the highest winrate Kassadin builds that were built by ranked LoL players enough times for us to propose them. With so many matches in our dataset, we are quite confident in our suggested builds.