The greatest picks not in lane to counter Jarvan IV include Kai'Sa, Ashe, and Caitlyn. These champions are all good at countering Jarvan IV with win rates over 60%. Even if these Jarvan IV counter picks are not used in your lane, it's not a good idea to take him into one of these matchups. They will likely destroy Jarvan IV.
Conversely, if the opposing team picks either Kalista or Akshan, you should seriously think about taking him, as he easily destroys these champions with win rates over 52% against both ofthem.
Jarvan é forte contra vários times que dependem de uma front line para proteger seus carries. Ele pode facilmente mergulhar e isolar o carry inimigo.
O Cataclisma de Jarvan IV pode aprizionar vários campeões dentro de seu limite.