The greatest picks outside of lane to counter Illaoi include Kai'Sa, Tristana, and Aphelios. These champs are all great at countering Illaoi with high win rates over 56%. Even if these Illaoi counter picks are not picked opposite your position, it's not smart to play her into one of these matchups. They will very likely destroy Illaoi.
Yet, if the other team brings either Seraphine or Zyra, you should seriously think about taking her, as she easily wins against these champions with win rates over 52% against both ofthem.
Destruia os tentáculos de Illaoi quando for seguro, isso podo previnir dano futuro quando escolher dar engage.
Tente não se agrupar em teamfights porque ela pode gerar múltiplos tentáculos se ela aterrizar o Salto da Fé em vários campeões inimigos. De certa forma, Illaoi é um counter de teamfights. :p