Ezreal pode ser usado como um ADC ou um APC, mas de qualquer jeito ele é excelente em dar harass e abater campeões com baixo HP.
Use Translocação Arcana para ajudar a alinhar suas outras skillshots.
League of Legends Ezreal players will likely find him to be a challenging champion to build out properly. You will notice that his build is modified when he is fighting either diversified or homogenous team comps, meaning you should not select the same Ezreal build every game of League of Legends
The most critical items to use in your champion's build are: Adagas Rápidas Navori, Colhedor de Essência, and Mata-Cráquens. Players who added these items in their gear had a significantly better winrate than players who tried for other Ezreal builds. Similarly, if you are playing a mixed enemy team composition, you should strongly consider getting Ezreal the Precisão, and Inspiração runes. In recent matches, he won the greatest fraction of his matches when using these runes.
We came up with our Ezreal build recommendations by analyzing 331.551 recently ranked League of Legends games with him selected. We only recommend the top winrate Ezreal builds that were built by ranked players enough times for us to advise them. With so many rounds in our data, we are quite confident in our provided builds.