Draven depende de companheiros de time para garantir seus abates.
Quando na jungle, mantenha sua atenção em ward e no mapa para evitar tomar um gank.
League of Legends Draven players may find him to be a confusing champ to build out properly. You'll see that his build changes when he is up against either generic or specialized team comps, indicating you should not choose the same Draven build every round of League of Legends
The best items to incorporate into your champion's build include: Lâmina Fantasma de Youmuu, Sedenta por Sangue, and A Coletora. Players who included these pieces in their kits had a much higher winrate than players who tried for other Draven builds. Moreover, if you are trying to beat a well-mixed enemy team composition, you should really consider grabbing him the Precisão, and Feitiçaria runes. In recent games, he won the greatest fraction of his games when equipped with these runes.
We calculated our Draven build recommendations by examining 86.485 recently ranked League rounds with him in them. We only recommend the highest winrate Draven builds that have been used by ranked gamers enough times for us to reccomend them. With so many matches in our data, we are very confident in our suggested builds.