She is one of the greatest top lane champs in the current League of Legends meta, as well as a top notch top tier list contender.
She is one of the most powerful jungle choices in the current League of Legends meta, as well as a top notch jungle tier list choice.
She is one of the greatest middle lane champions in the current League of Legends meta, as well as a top notch middle tier list pick.
She is one of the top bottom lane selections in the current League of Legends meta, as well as a top notch bottom tier list pick.
He is one of the most useful support lane choices in the current League of Legends meta, as well as a top notch support tier list contender.
We make use of an advanced algorithm that determines each champions place in our LoL tier list based on its actual performance by millions of experienced players. You can trust that you will always get the highest quality recommendations based on real results to give yourself a competitive edge during champion bans and selections when you use our champion tier list.
We have analyzed the data and have determined what are the most important factors that lead to victory for each champion position, and as a result, we weight our algorithm differently for each role. Our analysis considers numerous factors beyond win rate, including damage, utility, difficulty, etc…
For instance, our recommendations for ADC are biased towards higher damage dealing champions while damage is much less important for our support recommendations. Likewise, jungle champions that can effectively counter jungle and split are ranked higher on our League tier list than those that have a harder time going solo. To keep our champion tier list from becoming overcrowded, we do not include the poorest performers in each role.
Moreover, we also take into account player perceptions through team stats like pick rate and ban rate. We want to make sure we cover every facet of each champion's strength in the current meta. If you are looking for one of the best League of Legends champions to start learning today, you should pick one of the S tier champions from one of the tier lists above.
Because we base our LoL tier list solely on Gold through Challenger ranked matches, our God Tier champions (i.e. S tier) are the best champions of the current patch when mastered in their roles. Why focus on low ELO tier lists when deciding which champions to dedicate time to and improve on? Use our LoL tier list to get long term gains and significant improvements in your League of Legends rank!