Because of 나미's K/D/A and utility, she has a somewhat poor overall win rate. She does very well in the early game, with a winrate of 49.3% in that phase. Unfortunately, she does poorest in the late game, where 나미's win rate is 46.7%., The difference between her best and worst game phases is only 2.6%. This large difference indicates that her power spikes and wanes in different phases of the round. Prepare well.
나미 has been picked somewhat often in the latest ranked League rounds. In the current meta, her popularity is 5.8%. Hardly anyone sees her as a threat. She has only been banned in roughly 0.4% of League rounds.
나미 is most commonly played in the support position. This happens in 99.7% of her rounds. Support 나미 also has the highest win rate (48.8%) of all positions. At this time, 나미's meta game is focused on utility and support. In particular, her build should mainly be centered around supporting others. Additionally, she is a pretty good magical damage dealer champion. Tanking is the least significant part of 나미’s build.
If you are not familiar with her skills and gameplay, you may find it difficult picking her up for the first time. Many players believe her to not be a difficult champion to pick up. 나미 mostly does magic damage (86% of her total damage). She doesn't deal a lot of other damage types and should not be considered a hybrid damage dealer..
나미 deals a small amount of damage during a normal match (9,608 damage). You probably shouldn't focus on developing her as a damage dealing champ to smash your enemies. Rather, players should focus on assisting your teammates to beat your enemy.
She is a weak damage dealer on the Rift with 1.7 kills on average per match. That is one of the lowest kill counts amongst all supports. Moreover, she has a somewhat typical death rate with an average of 5.3 deaths per League round. Furthermore, 나미's KDA is usually very high with an average KDA ratio of 3.2 as well as 15.3 assists per match.