LoL 크산테 players could find them to be a difficult champ to build out properly. You will notice that their build varies when they is fighting either diversified or homogenous team compositions, meaning you should not follow the same 크산테 build every single game of League of Legends
The best items to use in your champ's build are: 얼어붙은 건틀릿, 태양불꽃 방패, and 심연의 가면. Those who added these items in their setups had a greater winrate than players who used other 크산테 builds. Similarly, if you are playing a mixed enemy team comp, you should really consider grabbing yourself the 결의, and 영감 runes. In recent games, they won the greatest number of their matches when equipped with these runes.
We set our 크산테 build guidance by examining 42,980 recently ranked League of Legends games with them in them. We only recommend the best winrate 크산테 builds that have been built by ranked gamers enough times for us to propose them. With so many games in our data, we are very confident in our provided builds.