As a result of 나르's K/D/A and utility, he has a somewhat poor overall win rate. He does best in the mid game, with a winrate of 47.45% in that phase. Unfortunately, he does very poorly in the late game, where 나르's win rate is 46.9%., The difference between his best and worst game phases is only 0.6%. This negligible difference makes it clear that his relative power is consistent during a whole game.
In the current meta, 나르 is not very popular. He has been used in only 2.1% of recently ranked games. Hardly anyone sees him as a threat. He has only been banned in roughly 0.3% of League rounds.
You can find him most often played in the top position. The top win rate position for 나르 is top (47.6%). Currently, 나르's meta game is focused on dealing damage. Specifically, his kit should primarily be centered around physical damage. Additionally, he is a pretty good magical damage dealer champ. Supporting others and crowd control are the least critical part of 나르’s playstyle.
You should expect to have to to dedicate a significant amount of time practicing and learning to get good with 나르. Most League of Legends players believe he is a difficult champ to get good at. 나르 mostly does physical damage (83% of his total damage). He doesn't deal much of other damage types and should not be played as hybrid damage dealer..
나르 deals tons of damage during a normal match (22,157 damage). You should focus on developing him as a damage dealing champion to defeat your opponents.
If you are looking for a dominating carry, then you should maybe consider this champion. He has one of the top kill totals on the Rift among all champions. Additionally, he has a fairly typical average champion death rate (5.9 deaths). Additionally, 나르's KDA is usually low with an average KDA ratio of 1.9 as well as 6 assists per round.