Usa l'abilità suprema quando ci sono molte sfere sul campo, in modo da massimizzare i danni.
Dopo che hai colpito un nemico con Forza di volontà, continua con Sfera oscura: essendo rallentati non avranno il tempo di evitarla.
Alza al livello 5 una delle tue abilità il più velocemente possibile, in modo tale da ottenere gli speciali effetti bonus del livello massimo.
Se Tahm Kench usa lo scudo di Pelle coriacea, ricorda che ha rinunciato a una buona dose di guarigione e non accumulerà altra salute grigia fino alla fine della ricarica. Sfrutta la situazione a tuo vantaggio!
Fai attenzione al Tuffo nell'abisso di Kench, puoi annullarne la canalizzazione con effetti di controllo immobilizzanti.
The stats provided here feature some influential Syndra versus Tahm Kench matchup stats that may help us figure out the differences between the pair. For instance, Syndra’s KDA ratio ([kills + assists] / deaths) of NaN is more than Tahm Kench’s KDA ratio of NaN, highlighting that Syndra may be more central to her team's team fighting capacity than Tahm Kench..
Syndra often has a slightly larger longest killing spree than her matchup does. Commonly, she receives less damage than Tahm Kench. This is usually reflective of differing health capacities, yet it can also indicate that the champ with higher HP has less mobility and thus is unable to flee from further damage when poked or engaged.
Both LoL champions are great champions. Both champs have their strengths, weaknesses, and counters. In the game's current meta, Syndra usually loses when trying to fight Tahm Kench, with a 46.0% win rate. Therefore, Syndra makes a bad counter for Tahm Kench.
While Syndra does have a lower winrate than Tahm Kench, when facing one another, Syndra also has a much greater difficulty level that makes her a more time consuming champ to learn and master. You should expect to face a difficult match when picking Syndra into Tahm Kenchas her relative depth means that you may not be able to unleash her full potential without a lot of practice beforehand.
Additionally, Syndra has a good amount of utility and CC, a similar amount to Tahm Kench. This makes her just as valuable during teamfights, especially when fighting champions with a ton of burst damage.
While there isn't one best champion for every situation in League of Legends, in Syndra vs Tahm Kench matchups, Tahm Kench is the better champ with a much lower win rate, more champion depth, and a similar amount of utility to help out your allies during team fights.
Syndra is a terribly counter to Tahm Kench. You will do well by focussing your tactics on keeping up your gold income and taking out objectives. If you are able to do that, you should do very well as Syndra against Tahm Kench.
To learn all of the intricacies of Syndra in order to counter Tahm Kench during both the early game and mid / late game phases of League of Legends, you should keep reading to gather a few extra tips and tricks for this matchup. If you listen to the build and tips presented above, you should increase your win rate significantly and be that much closer to League of Legends pro players.
Syndra typically accumulates a similar amount of CS as Tahm Kench. Champs who typically don't get much CS usualy don't need much CS to be valuable teammates, such as support champions. They are capable of scaling properly off of their abilities and first items alone. Yet, champions with a lot of CS, such as hyper-carries, typically require many items to be effective. In either situation, try to do better than the numbers shown on this page to do well.
The best items to have in your Syndra versus Tahm Kench build include Ombrofiamma, Apice della tempesta, and Compagno di Luden. When Syndra used at least these three items in her build, she did a lot better when facing Tahm Kench than with many other typical item sets. In fact, Syndra boasted an average win rate of 46.0% when playing against Tahm Kench with this build.
To have the highest probability of beating Tahm Kench as Syndra, Syndra players should equip the Primo attacco, Calzature magiche, Smaterializzatore, Intuito cosmico, Fascia del Flusso, and Trascendenza runes from the Ispirazione and Stregoneria rune sets. Of all the rune combinations we have analyed for Syndra vs Tahm Kench battles, this composite of runes yielded the highest win rate. In fact, these runes gave a 46.0% winrate overall.
By default, tips, statistics, and builds on how to beat Tahm Kench as Syndra are shown for all skill levels combined. If you would like to scope the statistics and builds to a particular skill level, you may use the selection menu earlier in the counter matchup guide.