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Scappa da Kog'Maw dopo che è morto!!!
Kog'Maw non ha una buona abilità per fuggire, quindi è particolarmente soggetto agli assalti.
Sbarramento bioarcano dà la possibilità a Kog'Maw di uccidere il Barone Nashor molto presto. Può rivelarsi importante difendere Nashor quando Kog'Maw completa la Lama del re in rovina.
The stat comparisons shown on this page highlight several valuable Rek'Sai vs. Kog'Maw counter statistics that can help you interpret the differences and similarities between this set of champs. As an example, Rek'Sai’s KDA ratio ([kills + assists] / deaths) of NaN is better than Kog'Maw’s ratio of NaN, demonstrating that Rek'Sai may be more central to his team's team fighting potential than Kog'Maw..
Rek'Sai often has a similar longest kill spree as his enemy does. Typically, he takes more damage than Kog'Maw. This is usually reflective of different amounts of tankyness, but it can also show that the one champion has less mobility and thus is unable to escape additional damage when engaged or poked.
Both League champs are great champions. Both have their pros and cons. In the game's current meta, Rek'Sai usually loses when facing off against Kog'Maw, with a 48.3% win rate. As a result, Rek'Sai makes a bad counter for Kog'Maw.
While Rek'Sai does have a lower winrate than Kog'Maw, when facing one another, Rek'Sai also has a lower difficulty level that makes him a less challenging character to develop with. You should be careful when picking Rek'Sai into Kog'Maw.
Additionally, Rek'Sai also has some amount of utility and CC, a similar amount to Kog'Maw. This often makes her just as valuable during teamfights, especially when fighting champions with a lot of burst damage.
While there isn't a single best champion for every situation in League of Legends, in Rek'Sai vs Kog'Maw matchups, Kog'Maw is the better champion with a lower win rate, less champion complexity, and a similar amount of utility to help out your allied champions during late stage team fights.
Rek'Sai is a somewhat poor counter to Kog'Maw. Make sure you focus your tactics on keeping up your gold and cs and destroying objectives. If you can do that, you should hold your own as Rek'Sai against Kog'Maw.
If you would like to truly master Rek'Sai in order to counter Kog'Maw during both the early game and mid / late game phases of League of Legends, you should continue reading to pick up a few extra lessons on this matchup. If you listen to the build and suggestions displayed above, you should increase your win rate significantly and be that much closer to League of Legends pro players.
Rek'Sai typically gets a lot less CS relative to Kog'Maw. Champs who typically don't acquire much CS usualy don't have to have much CS to be valuable teammates, such as support champions. They are capable of scaling well off of their abilities and first items alone. Yet, champs with a lot of CS, such as hyper-carries, typically require several high cost items to be effective. In either case, try to do better than the values shown on this page to do well.
The best items to prioritize in your Rek'Sai versus Kog'Maw build include Angelo custode, Pegno di Sterak, and Mannaia oscura. When Rek'Sai included at least these three pieces in his build, he did a lot better against Kog'Maw than with many other typical item sets. In fact, Rek'Sai boasted an average winrate of 48.3% when countering Kog'Maw with these items in his kit.
To have the highest likelihood of annihilating Kog'Maw as Rek'Sai, Rek'Sai players should use the Conquistatore, Trionfo, Leggenda: Alacrità, Colpo di grazia, Calzature magiche, and Intuito cosmico runes from the Precisione and Ispirazione rune sets. Of all the rune sets players chose for Rek'Sai vs Kog'Maw counterpicks, this composite of runes resulted in the highest win rate. In fact, these runes gave a 48.3% win rate overall.
If you need to view Rek'Sai versus Kog'Maw tips and counter builds for a a distinct division, please select one from the selection menu provided above. At first, the stats and guides given are computed using every round with data with both champs.