Les attaques et compétences de Xayah laissent des plumes qu'elle peut rappeler pour infliger d'importants dégâts de zone et des effets de contrôle.
Rafale de plumes peut esquiver presque toutes les compétences tout en créant de nombreuses plumes. Essayez de profiter des aspects offensifs et défensifs de cette compétence.
Fizz a essentiellement besoin de puissance : des objets comme Sablier de Zhonya ou Voile de la banshee sont très utiles contre des équipes disposant d'un burst important ; si vous pensez pouvoir survivre sans le surcroît de PV, le Fléau de liche ou la Coiffe de Rabadon sont d'excellents choix.
Fizz pouvant traverser les unités, guettez chaque occasion d'appliquer le passif de Trident marin. Quelques secondes après, enchaînez avec la propriété active de cette compétence.
L'ultime de Fizz, Pêche au gros, peut viser un ennemi ou la zone où vous pensez qu'il va se rendre.
The Xayah Fizz synergy stats shown here demonstrate the areas of her gameplay that do better (or worse) when paired with Fizz, compared to her overall stats. Significant differences are areas of focus that highlight how her gameplay changes when paired with this other champion.
Overall, Xayah sees a large worsening in her KDA (ratio of kills and assists to deaths) when paired with Fizz. His KDA worsened from NaN to NaN. This drop shows that Fizz helps Xayah perform not as well in ranked LoL games. Yet, the small difference demonstrates that this performance change is not very impactful.
When Xayah plays on the same team as Fizz, she observes a little increase in her complete damage dealt. This difference may demonstrate that Fizz provides protection for her to deal more damage or that his allyship also helps increase the round's duration. Similarly, when Xayah is played with Fizz on the same side, he usually scores many fewer killing sprees than when she plays alone. This is contrasting evidence that she is worse when playing synergisticly with Fizz.
Moreover, when Xayah plays with Fizz on the same team, she on average receives a little less damage than when she fights alone. Taking not as much damage may mean that Fizz does a decent job of protecting Xayah during team fights.
There is no ideal companion for Xayah that will 100% of the time be her ideal teammate. Yet, overall, Fizz is a good teammate for Xayah. By locking into the same team as Xayah, he improves their win rate by 2.7% to 50.4%. This demonstrates that there is a potentially meaningful bond between Xayah and Fizz that results in them performing stronger together than alone.
Fizz has a greater difficulty than Xayah. That means Xayah players need to be careful when enlisting Fizz allies to go into battle on the same side as, as they will require a greater level of skill to be able to cooperate well with you.
Working on the same side, you should expect to observe an overall large increase in your team’s capability to dish out massive AD. When paired, these champs can provide a great amount of sustained physical damage.
Conversely, by aligning Xayah and Fizz together, you probably will not be giving your other allies a lot of utility. We recommend you include other champions on your team that neutralizes this relative gap in this pairing's potential.
Regardless of your Fizz ally's skill level, you should focus on increasing your gold income, warding to avoid ambushes, and taking down objectives. If you heed this simple advice, you will do well, regardless.
If you would like to learn all of the intricacies of Xayah to pair well with Fizz during both the laning and mid / late game phases of League of Legends rounds, you should keep reading to gather some more tricks and insights into this champion pairing. If you listen to the build and stats displayed above, you will increase your win rate by a lot.
The most important items to get in your Xayah and Fizz synergy build include Soif-de-sang, Tueur de krakens, and Prestelames navori. When Xayah combined at least these three items in her build, she did significantly better when fighting alongside Fizz than with most other common builds. In fact, Xayah had an average win rate of 50.4% when playing alongside Fizz with this build.
To have the greatest probability of beating your oponents, Xayah players should use the Tempo mortel, Présence d'esprit, Légende : sangsue, Coup de grâce, Goût du sang, and Chasseur ultime runes from the Précision and Domination rune sets. Out of all the runes we have analyed for this team composition, this combo of runes resulted in the greatest win rate. In fact, these runes provided a 50.4% win rate overall.
If you would like to view Xayah with Fizz collaboration tips and stats for a a particular skill level, feel free to choose one from the selection menu above. If viewing for the first time, the statistics and build suggestions displayed are calculated using every game finished with these champs.