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marquée par Valor mettra Busard en récupération. Frappez vite les marques de Busard pour en générer d'autres plus rapidement.
Utilisez En territoire ennemi pour vite parcourir de très longues distances, pour aller farmer des sbires éloignés ou pour rattraper des cibles blessées.
Salto est une puissante compétence, mais elle doit être utilisée avec prudence, car les ennemis peuvent attaquer Quinn quand elle les frappe. Salto peut vous faire franchir un mur si vous êtes dos à ce mur.
Piste empoisonnée est très utile pour farmer et harceler, en permettant à Singed de limiter le flux d'ennemi dans la voie où il se trouve.
Projeter les ennemis vers votre tourelle permet de leur infliger d'importants dégâts.
Utilisez la Potion de démence pour forcer l'ennemi à vous pourchasser dans la Piste empoisonnée.
The Quinn Singed synergy stats shown here demonstrate the areas of her gameplay that do better (or worse) when paired with Singed, compared to her overall stats. Significant differences are areas of focus that highlight how her gameplay changes when paired with this other champion.
Overall, Quinn sees a large worsening in her KDA (ratio of kills and assists to deaths) when paired with Singed. His KDA went down from NaN to NaN. This worsening shows that Singed helps Quinn perform not as well in ranked LoL matches. Yet, the small difference proves that this performance change is only marginal.
When Quinn tries to synergize with Singed, she gets a clear improvement in her full damage output. This change may demonstrate that Singed supports by providing cover for her to dish out more damage or that his support also helps increase the game's duration. Similarly, when Quinn is played alongside Singed on the same team, he usually scores many fewer killing sprees than when she plays on his own. This is contrasting evidence that she is worse when playing alongside Singed.
Moreover, when Quinn plays with Singed on the same side, she often receives a little more damage than when she fights alone. Receiving more damage may mean that Singed does a poor job of covering Quinn during teamfights.
There is no universally accepted best companion for Quinn that will always be her best teammate. Yet, Singed is a top-tier companion for Quinn. By playing on the same team as Quinn, he raises their win rate by 4.2% to 53.8%. This clearly indicates that there is a strong bond between Quinn and Singed that results in them performing stronger together than alone.
Singed has a lower difficulty than Quinn. That means you don't need to be very careful when finding Singed allies to go into battle on the same side as, as they will have to have a lower level of skill to fight well with you.
Fighting together, Quinn players will likely witness an overall large increase in your team’s ability to deal physical damage. When paired, these two can provide a great amount of sustained physical damage.
Although, by bringing Quinn and Singed together, you probably will not be granting your team very much support. Make sure to bring other champs on your team that fills this relative disparity in this pairing's capabilities.
Regardless of the skill of your Singed teammate, you need to focus on maximizing your income, warding to avoid ambushes, and taking down objectives. If you follow these simple suggestions, you will do well, regardless.
To truly master Quinn in order to work well with Singed during both the early game and mid / late game phases of League, you should keep reading to gather a few extra lessons on this champion pairing. If you use the build and tips presented here, you should increase your win rate by a lot.
The ideal finished items to include in your Quinn and Singed synergy build consist of Lame spectre de Youmuu, Percepteur, and Cyclosabre voltaïque. When Quinn combined at least these three finished items in her build, she did a lot better when fighting alongside Singed than with most other typical item sets. In fact, Quinn boasted an average winrate of 53.8% when synergizing her build and playstyle to Singed with this build.
To have the highest likelihood of crushing your oponents, Quinn players should equip the Jeu de jambes, Présence d'esprit, Légende : alacrité, Abattage, Concentration absolue, and Brûlure runes from the Précision and Sorcellerie rune sets. Of all the rune combinations players used for this champion pairing, this blending of runes resulted in the highest win rate. Notably, these runes provided a 53.8% win rate overall.
By default, tips, statistics, and builds on how to pair Singed with Quinn are displayed for all ranked divisions combined. To scope the stats and builds to a specific player tier, you should use the selection menu above.