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Comment créer une synergie entre Maître Yi et Milio dans la même équipe ?Maître Yi is in the a tier of champions

Maître Yi with Milio

Comment gagner avec Maître Yi et Milio ? jumelés ensembleMaître Yi is in the a tier of champions

Comment mettre en synergie Maître Yi et Milio ?

basé sur 3 903 jeux avec Maître Yi et Milio
51,5 %
2,1 %

Comment nous analysons les paires de champions dans LoL

At MOBA Champion, we pull the stats from from millions of LoL games straight from Riot Games each and every week. Maître Yi has fought alongside Milio in 3903 recent, competitive games. By amassing so much complete data from the developers of League of Legends, we have complete confidence that we can produce high quality, insightful builds to help Maître Yi play with Milio. It is relatively rare for Maître Yi to play with Milio as allies. This pairing has only occurred in approximately 2.1% of games with Maître Yi.

Maître Yi Milio Résumé de la synergie

Maître Yi does a decent job of playing alongside Milio. Typically, he wins an acceptable 51.5% of matches the champs try and synergize their gameplay. If you want to win more matches as Maître Yi when fighting on the same team as Milio by figuring out how to better synergize your playstyle with them, then dig into the complete build (with items, runes, summoner spells, and skills) below!

Meilleure Build pour les matchs avec Maître Yi vs Milio


Premiers articles

Heure souhaitée
Bébé IxamandrePotion de soin

Objets suivants

~5 Mins
PiocheArc courbe

Objets de base de Maître Yi

~22 Mins
Hexplaque expérimentaleAu bout du rouleauDanse de la mort

Articles facultatifs

Ange gardienGage de SterakTerminusHydre vorace

Summoner Spells

summonerflash summoner spell D
summonersmite summoner spell F

Ordre de compétence

Première compétence pour Maître Yi à monter de niveauq
Deuxième capacité pour Maître Yi de monter de niveaue
Dernière compétence pour Maître Yi à maximiserw


PrécisionTempo mortelTriompheLégende : alacritéCoup de grâce
DominationArracheur d'œilChasseur de trésors
Attack SpeedAdaptive ForceHealth Scaling
Maître Yi's passive ability p
Maître Yi's q ability q
Maître Yi's w ability w
Maître Yi's e ability e
Maître Yi's ultimate ability r

Guide de la synergie entre Maître Yi et Milio.

Conseils pour jouer en tant que Maître Yi avec Milio

Si vous affrontez des champions spécialistes de l'attaque à distance sur votre voie, développez Méditation pour rester plus longtemps sur votre voie et gagner des niveaux plus rapidement qu'eux.

Essayez d'utiliser Assaut éclair sur un sbire devant un champion ennemi pour être en sécurité à la fin du sort.

Style Wuju est très puissant en début de partie pour porter le coup fatal aux sbires.

Conseils pour comprendre comment Milio va jouer jouera

La vitesse des ruées de Milio augmente avec sa vitesse de déplacement. Profitez de ce surcroît de vitesse pour surprendre vos ennemis !

Milio a besoin d'alliés proches pour profiter au maximum de ses capacités.

Le danger est amusant si on le veut bien.

Maître Yi Milio Statistiques de synergie

Maître Yi Image
51,5 %
48,5 %
Milio Image
< kills >
< deaths >
< assists >
< killingSprees >
< cs >
< dragons >
< inhibitors >
13 616
< physicalDamage >
13 396
1 242
< magicDamage >
5 724
< trueDamage >
5 559
20 583
< damageDealt >
19 904
31 631
< damageTaken >
32 084
12 328
< goldEarned >
12 330
< towers >
< barons >
14 540
< heal >
14 906
13 405
< xp >
13 621
< visionScore >
< wardsPlaced >
< ccTime >

Comment jouer avec Milio dans le rôle de Maître Yi dans LoL

The Maître Yi Milio synergy stats shown here demonstrate the areas of his gameplay that do better (or worse) when paired with Milio, compared to his overall stats. Significant differences are areas of focus that highlight how his gameplay changes when paired with this other champion.

Overall, Maître Yi sees a large worsening in his KDA (ratio of kills and assists to deaths) when paired with Milio. His KDA fell from NaN to NaN. This worsening shows that Milio helps Maître Yi perform not as well in competitive League games. Yet, the small difference indicates that this performance change is only marginal.

When Maître Yi plays on the same team as Milio, he observes a small increase in his full damage dealt. This may signal that Milio helps provide protection for him to dish out more damage or that their support also helps increase the game's duration. Similarly, when Maître Yi is played together with Milio on the same team, he usually scores many fewer killing sprees compared to when he plays alone. This is contrasting evidence that he is worse when playing with Milio.

Additionally, when Maître Yi plays with Milio on the same team, he usually takes a little less damage than when he fights alone. Taking not as much damage could mean that Milio does a decent job of protecting Maître Yi during team fights.

Synergies entre Maître Yi et Milio

Comparaison des types de dommages

Maître Yi
Dommage physique
Dommage physique
Dommage Pur

Les styles de jeu des champions contrastés

Maître Yi

Est-ce que Maître Yi est meilleur quand il joue avec Milio ?

There is no one best synergy for Maître Yi that will no matter what be his #1 synergy. Yet, overall, Milio is a very typical teammate for Maître Yi. By playing on the same side as Maître Yi, they increases their win rate by 0.9% to 51.5%. This signals that there is only a small bond between Maître Yi and Milio that results in them performing at the top of their game together than without each other.

Milio has a greater difficulty than Maître Yi. That means Maître Yi players must be very careful when arranging Milio allies to fight alongside, as they will require a greater level of skill to fight well with you.

Working alongside, Maître Yi players should expect to see an overall large increase in your team’s ability to dish out massive AD. Combined, these two can provide a great amount of sustained physical damage.

Although, by grouping Maître Yi and Milio together, you may not be giving your other teammates very much support. Plan to have other champs on your team that helps cover this gap in their abilities.

Regardless of the skill of your Milio ally, you need to focus on increasing your income, staying alive by avoiding foolish fights, and taking down objectives. If you do this, you should do well, regardless.

Informations supplémentaires pour Maître Yi Joueurs

Comment nous avons calculé notre Maître Yi Milio Synergy Build et Stats

Pour ce guide sur l'association de Maître Yi et Milio, nous avons analysé 3 903 matchs classés et récents de League of Legends. Nous effectuons un nettoyage avancé des données et utilisons des méthodes statistiques pour garantir que nos statistiques de synergie d'équipe sont précises et fiables. Vous pouvez être sûr que le build que nous vous recommandons pour associer Maître Yi et Milio provient de données réelles et n'est pas l'invention d'un joueur de LoL aléatoire, comme le proposent d'autres sites. Vous pouvez utiliser les filtres en haut de la page pour afficher les statistiques et les builds les plus pertinents de votre division.

Autres ressources utiles

De nouvelles idées pour gagner avec ce duo de champions

To truly master Maître Yi to synergize with Milio during both the early game and mid / late game phases of League of Legends rounds, you should continue reading to pick up a few extra lessons on this champion pairing. If you listen to the build and suggestions presented here, you will grow your win rate by a lot.

The most crucial items to focus on in your Maître Yi and Milio synergy build include Hexplaque expérimentale, Au bout du rouleau, and Danse de la mort. When Maître Yi included at least these three great items in his build, he did significantly better when fighting alongside Milio than with most other commonly used item sets. In fact, Maître Yi boasted an average winrate of 51.5% when synergizing his build and playstyle to Milio with these items in his kit.

To have the highest chance of vanquishing your oponents, Maître Yi players should take the Tempo mortel, Triomphe, Légende : alacrité, Coup de grâce, Arracheur d'œil, and Chasseur de trésors runes from the Précision and Domination rune sets. Of all the rune builds that we analyzed for Maître Yi and Milio pairings, this blending of runes resulted in the highest win rate. Notably, these runes averaged a 51.5% win rate overall.

By default, tips, statistics, and builds on how to synergize Milio with Maître Yi are displayed for every ranked division. If you would like to scope the stats and builds to a distinct skill level, you may use the selection menu located earlier on the page.