Placez-vous près des murs et attirez vos ennemis pour les étourdir avec votre ultime.
Connaissez vos forces ! Mini Gnar est rapide, fragile et il inflige de gros dégâts soutenus. Méga Gnar est lent, résistant et il a un gros burst.
La gestion de votre Rage est très importante. Effectuez vos transformations aux bons moments pour profiter au maximum de vos deux formes.
Quand il vous reste peu de PV, vous pouvez profiter des soins et du camouflage d'Ombre démoniaque pour retourner au combat et surprendre vos adversaires.
Quand vous êtes furtif, surveillez l'œil qui surplombe les champions ennemis. S'il est jaune, vous êtes sur le point d'être détecté. S'il est rouge, vous êtes détecté.
Le délai d'amorçage de Séduction peut paraître long, mais le charme et la réduction de résistance magique donnent un avantage considérable à Evelynn.
The Gnar Evelynn synergy stats shown here demonstrate the areas of his gameplay that do better (or worse) when paired with Evelynn, compared to his overall stats. Significant differences are areas of focus that highlight how his gameplay changes when paired with this other champion.
Overall, Gnar sees a large worsening in his KDA (ratio of kills and assists to deaths) when paired with Evelynn. His KDA worsened from NaN to NaN. This negative change shows that Evelynn helps Gnar perform worse in competitive League of Legends matches. Yet, the small difference shows that this performance change is not very impactful.
When Gnar tries to synergize with Evelynn, he gets a little increase in his complete damage output. This change could signal that Evelynn supports by providing protection for him to deal more damage or that her presence also helps extend the game's duration. Similarly, when Gnar is played with Evelynn on the same side, he usually scores many fewer killing sprees than when he plays without Evelynn. This is contrasting evidence that he is worse when playing with Evelynn.
Additionally, when Gnar plays with Evelynn on the same side, he usually receives a little more damage than when he plays alone. Receiving more damage could indicate that Evelynn does a poor job of covering Gnar in teamfights.
There is no universally accepted best ally for Gnar that will 100% of the time be his top synergy. However, Evelynn is a very typical teammate for Gnar. By being on the same side as Gnar, she drops their win rate by -0.4% to 47.6%. This signals that there is not really a strong synergy between Gnar and Evelynn that results in them performing worse together than without each other.
Evelynn has a greater difficulty than Gnar. That means Gnar players need to be careful when enlisting Evelynn teammates to go into battle on the same side as, as they will have to have a greater level of skill to be able to play well with you.
When playing on the same side, you should witness an overall large increase in your team’s capability to to do a lot of AP damage. When paired, these champs are able to dish out a surprising amount of magic type damage.
In contrast, by aligning Gnar and Evelynn together, you probably will not be giving your team much engage potential. Plan to bring other champs on your team that nullifies this hole in their capabilities.
Regardless of the skill of your Evelynn teammate, you need to focus on maximizing your income, staying alive by avoiding foolish fights, and taking down objectives. If you do this, you should do well, regardless.
To truly master Gnar in order to synergize with Evelynn during both the early game and mid / late game phases of League, you should keep reading to pick up a few extra tricks and insights into this champion pairing. If you mind the build and tips presented above, you will grow your win rate by a lot.
The top finished items to include in your Gnar and Evelynn synergy build consist of Gage de Sterak, Couperet noir, and Force de la trinité. When Gnar included at least these three finished items in his build, he did a lot better as an ally of Evelynn than with most other typical item sets. In fact, Gnar boasted an average winrate of 47.6% helping carry Evelynn with this build.
To have the highest chance of coming out on top against your oponents, you should take the Jeu de jambes, Triomphe, Légende : alacrité, Baroud d'honneur, Plaque d'os, and Surcroissance runes from the Précision and Volonté rune sets. Of all the rune combinations players picked for this champion pairing, this mixture of runes yielded the greatest win rate. Moreover, these runes provided a 47.6% winrate overall.
If you want to see Gnar and Evelynn cooperations tips and builds for a a particular rank, please select one from the selection menu above. By default, the stats and strategies shown are computed using every match finished with both champions.