Profitez de la longue portée de Flèche perforante pour tirer sur les champions ennemis avant le combat ou lors de leur fuite.
Mettre rapidement un point dans Carquois meurtri permet de harceler les champions ennemis et d'achever les sbires.
À courte portée, il vaut parfois mieux tirer Flèche perforante sans attendre qu'elle soit complètement chargée.
La plupart des compétences de Ziggs ont des délais de récupération importants. Attaquez après qu'il a utilisé ses compétences.
Ne marchez pas sur les mines de Ziggs ! Elles vous ralentissent et permettent à Ziggs de vous toucher plus facilement avec d'autres compétences.
L'ultime de Ziggs, Méga bombe infernale, inflige plus de dégâts au centre de l'explosion.
The stat comparisons shown on this page emphasize some vital Varus vs. Ziggs counter stats that can help us appreciate the differences and similarities between the two. Varus’s KDA ratio ([kills + assists] / deaths) of NaN is more than Ziggs’s ratio of NaN, indicating that Varus may be more central to his team's team fighting capability than Ziggs..
Varus usually has a slightly larger longest kill spree than his enemy does. Commonly, he receives more damage than Ziggs. This often reflects differing health capacities, but it can also imply that the one champ has less mobility and thus is unable to flee from additional harm when poked or engaged.
Both League of Legends champs are great champions. Both champs have their pros and cons. In the game's current meta, Varus usually fairs equally well when taking on Ziggs, with a 50.9% win rate. As a result, Varus makes an ok counter to Ziggs.
While Varus does have a higher win rate than Ziggs, when they face off with one another, Varus also has a lower learning curve that makes him a less time consuming champion to develop with. You should be careful when picking Varus into Ziggs.
Additionally, Varus has almost no amount of utility and CC, a similar amount to Ziggs. This makes her just as valuable during team fights, especially when facing champions with a lot of burst damage.
While there isn't a single best champion for every situation in League of Legends, in Varus vs Ziggs matchups, Varus is the better champion with a similar win rate, less champion complexity, and a similar amount of utility to help out your teammates during team fights.
Varus is a decent counter for Ziggs. Focus your gameplay on increasing your gold and cs and taking out objectives. If you do that, you should hold your own as Varus against Ziggs.
To learn all of the intricacies of Varus in order to counter Ziggs during both the early game and mid / late game phases of League of Legends, you should continue reading to pick up a few extra tricks and insights into this matchup. If you listen to the build and tips shown here, you will increase your win rate significantly and be that much closer to League of Legends pro players.
Varus often picks up a similar amount of CS relative to Ziggs. Champs who on average don't get much CS typically don't have to have much CS to be valuable teammates, such as sup champs. These kinds of champions are able to scale well off of their abilities and first items alone. Yet, champions with large amounts of CS, such as hyper-carries, typically require several high cost items to be effective. In either case, try to exceed the values displayed on this page to do well.
The ideal items to focus on in your Varus versus Ziggs build consist of Ouragan de Runaan, Lame enragée de Guinsoo, and Lame du roi déchu. When Varus incorporated at least these three items in his build, he performed significantly better vs Ziggs than with most other common counter builds. In fact, Varus had an average win rate of 50.9% when playing against Ziggs with these items in his kit.
To have the greatest probability of beating Ziggs as Varus, Varus players should use the Tempo mortel, Triomphe, Légende : alacrité, Coup de grâce, Goût du sang, and Chasseur de trésors runes from the Précision and Domination rune sets. Of all the rune builds players chose for Varus vs Ziggs counterpicks, this mixture of runes yielded the greatest win rate. In fact, these runes averaged a 50.9% winrate overall.
By default, tips, stats, and builds on how to beat Ziggs as Varus are given for all ranked divisions. To narrow the stats and builds to an individual division, you may use the selection menu earlier in the counter matchup guide.