Jax profite grandement des objets augmentant à la fois les dégâts d'attaque et la puissance, tels que Lame enragée de Guinsoo et Pistolame Hextech.
Jax peut utiliser Frappe bondissante pour rejoindre des alliés, y compris des balises. Vous pouvez l'utiliser pour fuir.
Grâce à Plastronneur, Taric réduit les délais de récupération de ses sorts en lançant des attaques de base sur les ennemis. Essayez de le kiter pendant les combats d'équipes et de le punir quand il approche d'une vague de sbires.
L'ultime de Taric, Lumière cosmique, a un long délai avant son application. Estimez vite s'il est préférable de désengager le combat ou de tuer les alliés de Taric avant l'application de ce sort.
The stat comparisons shown here show some vital Jax vs. Taric matchup stats that may help us appreciate the differences and similarities between the two. Jax’s KDA ratio ([kills + assists] / deaths) of NaN is better than Taric’s ratio of NaN, highlighting that Jax may be more central to his team's team fighting capability than Taric. This observation is in large part caused by the difference in kills.
Jax normally has a much larger longest kill spree than his enemy does. Typically, he receives more damage than Taric. This is usually reflective of different amounts of tankyness, yet it can also illustrate that the one champion has less agility and thus is not able to escape further damage when engaged or poked.
Both League of Legends champions are great. Both champs have their strengths, weaknesses, and counters. In League's current meta, Jax usually fairs equally well when taking on Taric, with a 49.2% win rate. Thus, Jax makes an ok counter to Taric.
While Jax does have a lower win rate compared to Taric, when on opposite teams, Jax also has a greater level of difficulty that makes him a more challenging champ to develop with. You should be careful when picking Jax into Taric.
Furthermore, Jax has some amount of utility and CC, a similar amount to Taric. This often makes her just as valuable during team fights, especially when facing champions with a lot of burst damage.
While there is not one best champion for every situation in League of Legends, in Jax vs Taric matchups, Taric is the better champ with a similar win rate, more champion depth, and a similar amount of utility to help out your teammates during late stage team fights.
Jax is a somewhat poor counter for Taric. Make sure you focus your tactics on increasing your gold and cs and destroying objectives. If you are able to do that, you should hold your own as Jax against Taric.
If you would like to truly master Jax to counter Taric during both the lane and mid / late game phases of League of Legends, you should keep reading to gather a few extra tricks and insights into this matchup. If you mind the build and stats presented here, you will grow your win rate by a lot and be that much closer to League of Legends pro players.
Jax typically gets much more CS compared to Taric. Champions who on average don't acquire much CS usualy don't need much CS to be valuable teammates, such as supports. They are capable of scaling properly off of their abilities and first items alone. Yet, champs with a lot of CS, such as hyper-carries, usually need many items to be effective. In either case, try to surpass the numbers shown here to do well.
The top items to use in your Jax versus Taric build consist of Force de la trinité, Danse de la mort, and Ciel éventré. When Jax bought at least these three pieces in his build, he performed a lot better against Taric than with most other common builds. In fact, Jax boasted an average win rate of 49.2% battling Taric with this build.
To have the best probability of coming out on top against Taric as Jax, Jax players should take the Tempo mortel, Triomphe, Légende : alacrité, Baroud d'honneur, Chaussures magiques, and Savoir cosmique runes from the Précision and Inspiration rune sets. Out of all the rune combinations players used for Jax vs Taric LoL games, this combo of runes yielded the highest win rate. In fact, these runes averaged a 49.2% winrate overall.
If you need to view Jax versus Taric tips and counter stats for a a specific rank, feel free to choose one from the selection menu displayed above. At first, the statistics and guides given are computed using every game run with these champs.