La definitiva inflige mucho menos daño a los enemigos que tengan toda la vida. Acaba con los objetivos debilitados cuando intenten huir.
Florecer mortal tiene un alcance increíble. Cuando te aproximes al combate, no olvides fijarte en los enemigos que podrían ser inmovilizados.
Puedes lanzar hechizos mientras recargas. Aprovéchalo para cubrir ese tiempo.
Para una serie de daño óptima, prueba a combinar Persecución implacable con Luz lacerante.
Resplandor ardiente explota en forma de estrella. Trata de hacer que las puntas golpeen a los campeones enemigos.
Gracias a Balas de luz, Lucian se beneficia más del daño de ataque que de la velocidad de ataque.
No puedes cambiar el ángulo de disparo para El sacrificio una vez lo hayas escogido. ¡Elige bien el momento!
The Jhin Lucian synergy stats shown here demonstrate the areas of his gameplay that do better (or worse) when paired with Lucian, compared to his overall stats. Significant differences are areas of focus that highlight how his gameplay changes when paired with this other champion.
Overall, Jhin sees a large worsening in his KDA (ratio of kills and assists to deaths) when paired with Lucian. His KDA worsened from NaN to NaN. This worsening shows that Lucian helps Jhin perform poorer in ranked League matches. Yet, the small difference demonstrates that this performance change is not very impactful.
When Jhin plays on the same team as Lucian, he gets a little drop in his full damage output. This change could signal that Lucian doesn't help cover for him to deal more damage or that his allyship also helps extend the game's duration. Similarly, when Jhin is played together with Lucian on the same side, he usually scores many fewer killing sprees compared to when he plays without Lucian. This is contrasting evidence that he is worse when playing synergisticly with Lucian.
Moreover, when Jhin plays with Lucian on the same team, he usually takes a little more damage than when he plays alone. Taking more damage could mean that Lucian does a poor job of covering Jhin during team fights.
There is no perfect champion pairing for Jhin that will 100% of the time be his ideal teammate. However, Lucian is a very bad ally for Jhin. By playing on the same side as Jhin, he drops their win rate by -4.5% to 46.5%. This clearly indicates that there is a terrible synergy between Jhin and Lucian that results in them performing not as well together than without each other.
Lucian has a lower difficulty than Jhin. That means Jhin players don't need to be careful when lining up Lucian allies to fight alongside, as they will require a relatively low level of skill to be able to work well with you.
Working on the same side, you should expect to witness an overall large increase in your team’s capability to destroy wih physical damage. Combined, these champions should be able to take down targets with auto-attacks and other AD damage abilities.
Although, by bringing Jhin and Lucian together, you will not be giving your team a lot of tankyness. Make sure to pick other champions on your team that offsets this disparity in their kit.
Regardless of your Lucian ally's ability, you need to focus on maximizing your income, warding to avoid ambushes, and clearing objectives. If you do this, you should do well, regardless.
If you would like to learn all of the intricacies of Jhin in order to work well with Lucian during both the lane and mid / late game phases of LoL, you should continue reading to master additional lessons on this champion pairing. If you pay attention to the build and suggestions shown above, you will increase your win rate significantly.
The most important items to prioritize in your Jhin and Lucian synergy build include Recuerdos de lord Dominik, Cañón de fuego rápido, and Filo fantasmal de Youmuu. When Jhin included at least these three finished items in his build, he did significantly better as an ally of Lucian than with many other typical item sets. In fact, Jhin boasted an average winrate of 46.5% when synergizing his build and playstyle to Lucian with this build.
To have the best probability of beating your oponents, you should use the Pies veloces, Claridad mental, Leyenda: Linaje, Golpe de gracia, Celeridad, and Se avecina tormenta runes from the Precisión and Brujería rune sets. Out of all the rune builds players picked for this team composition, this combo of runes yielded the top win rate. In fact, these runes provided a 46.5% winrate overall.
If you want to view Jhin and Lucian collaboration tips and builds for a a particular skill level, feel free to choose one from the selection menu displayed above. If viewing for the first time, the stats and build suggestions displayed are computed using all games played with both champs.